
I want to become a professional cyclist.?

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I'm sixteen years old and live about fifteen minutes away from Boston, MA. How do i become a professional road racing cyclist and am I too old to start?




  1. ride your bike,go to school,grow up strong.

  2. start racing in Cat 5, and get connected with a local shop. here are some shops from Boston, metro-west  & Worcester that race:

    all sponsor regular club rides, and have teams that race. I've done club rides with Landry's (Westborough) and QuadCycles, both clubs have some great folks to get some knowledge of the local racing scene. your aim will be to get on a regional team if you want to go pro, but this should get you started..

  3. take EPO.....

    jk, you need to build up your endurance and do alot of probably  15-20 hrs per week to start

    Also lifting weights helps (squats are great for legs)

  4. Not too old to start.  In a general sense, there at categories that cyclists are placed into based on their performance.  When you reach a certain level of performance you advance to the next category and begin competing with other riders in that category.  Rather than pour out all the details, I'll just provide you with a link to the UCI (Union Cycliste International):

    As an aside, I came across this site the other day: .  Looks like it's going to be a social network for cyclists, but it's just in testing right now.  Might be worth checking out so you can meet some other competitors in your area.

    Good luck!!

  5. No, not too old. Ride, ride, ride. Build up your strength & endurance. And do other exercises as well. Weight lifting for the legs for power.

    Join a club & ride & ask questions & listen. Study up - on the web, magazines, everywhere.

    And did I say ride?


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