
I want to become a raw vegan and I want to know does anyone have any tips or ideas for me?

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I've been considering becoming a raw vegan for a while and I'm kind of clueless on the whole thing, besides the fact it's good for your health if you know what you're doing. Anybody who knows anything about being a raw vegan please HELP!!!




  1. It is very hard to begin with but if you have the dedication. Before eating anything, first read all the ingredients.

  2. person above me made a good point!

    it annoys me so much how you cannot get any stuff which supports your vegetarian needs!

    vegetarian is meant to be a healthier way of life so shouldnt the governement encourage it?

    it really annoys me

  3. To break it down into the basics:

    We all know that a vegan avoids consuming animal products – animal flesh, dairy, eggs, and so on.

    Vegans eat a plant and grain based diet (i.e.) vegetable & tofu stir-fry with rice.

    A raw vegan would not eat a vegetable & tofu stir-fry with rice because the vegetables have been cooked, the tofu is cooked in production and the rice is cooked.

    Whilst raw vegans may consume sprouted grains, they would obviously avoid commercial breads and crackers as all the ingredients have been processed and cooked (i.e.) the ingredients in bread would be initially raw products but you bake bread in the oven, so the end result is not raw.

    Raw vegans would only consume breads and crackers that have been made in a dehydrator.

    Basically raw vegans take the vegan concept one step further, by only consuming vegan foods that are eaten in a raw state.

    (i.e.) Preferably certified organic - fruit, vegetables, nuts, soaked nuts, sprouted seeds, sprouted grains, green smoothies, homemade vegetable juices, sun teas.

    There are a few different types of people in the raw world:

    Some raw vegans eat “gourmet” raw so will use a dehydrator to produce foods.

    Some raw vegans eat simple mono meals and so have no need to use a dehydrator.

    Some raw vegans are fanatical and have been 100% totally raw for years.

    Some raw vegans eat a mixture of cooked vegan and raw vegan.

    They (whoever "they" are) say that to be classified as a raw vegan you need to be a vegan eating 75% - 100% of your food in its raw state.

    Some people may even eat a high percentage of raw but not actually be vegans. For months I ate 99% raw vegan and 1% cooked meat. I eventually gave up eating meat, when I realised how good I felt on raw vegan.

    There are so many different people eating raw for so many different reasons (having more energy, good health, healing disease, producing less waste by being green, animal rights) that it is impossible and wrong to pin a label on it.

    There are thousands of raw recipes and raw forum communities on the web, maybe you should have a look around and find out more. See links below for a very small sample.

    Best thing I have ever done health wise.


  4. I'm a vegan, but not a raw vegan. I have tried a raw vegan food bar, but it upset my stomach. It was good though and I still eat them, but not that often. Try out being vegan for a while because it is healthy too.

  5. There are some great cookbooks out there.  If you keep your meals simple than it should be really easy.  Dr. Ruth Heidrich is a breast cancer survivor (I think 30+ years) and Tri-athlete.  She doesn't even own a stove.  Her meals sound super simple.  You might get some inspiration from her book and website.  Good luck.

  6. my husband has been on the raw food diet for a few months now and once i'm not pregnant i plan to join him. he looks better than he has in a long time and isn't just about weight loss.

    it actually willre build your muscles with healthier tissue.

    i found a bunch of websites just googling "raw food diet"

    one of the most intersting ones was a health food guru who blogs as he tries different diets...well he liked it so much that when the trial was over he said he actually went BACK on the diet.

    there are all sorts of clever recipes but my husband has found that the easiest thing for him is just to eat tons of fresh fruit and veggies and raw nuts...he has his own variations on the he'll have some steamed veggies or roast corn...and once in a blue moon he comes off the diet for a weekend here or there...your body is in such a healthy state it doesn't set him back too far...yet he always regrets it because his stomach and digestive tract don't like digesting processed food.

    just make sure you keep a really wide array of raw foods in your diet...this is probably key...if you were to eat just a ton of carrots and apples you wouldn't be getting the iron or the proteins from the nuts or dark leafy greens.

    you still need balance.

    good luck and happy eating!

  7. Hey i am not a vegan but i am a vegitarian! Being a vegan is really hard in this meat eating country.. If you are a  vegan you can not eat any animal product including meat, cheese, milk, eggs or fish.. There are products in the store that are made for vegans but they are expensive!! And there are very few places that are vegan.. I would reccomend being a vegitarian first. see if you can handle that and after that then try the whole vegan deal..With being a vegiratian you just don't eat but you can still eat milk and cheese..But yea either one is really good for you body long as you are getting enough nutrition

  8. i know this is going to be gross but ha watch a youtube video or something or people killing animals and then read a paper from a vegan on why they are a vegggg

  9. Get a  book  about  eating  healthy with  a  vegetarian  and  vegan  diet

  10. just take things slowly ask   questions (lots of them )  you can get your vitamins and nutriants from fresh fruit and veg (just don't over boil them )  you will be ok... In this world of ours no we don't have to eat meat as it is not like what we expect ..truth hormones after ..hormones putting stress and extra stress on chucks injecting  water( and other substances in the carcass to even the weight out  so the price you pay is twice the price (you did not know know that did you but it's true!!!)yes folks you  actually pay for less than  half meat and a lot of water, water and salt.etc.. So my friend you should feel ok in  a few days you will notice the difference keep thinking positive and good luck and get out the lit and keep reading as they say with reading comes knowledge...your body your choice.. don't let any one bully you

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