
I want to become a singer, but see i have no clue what to do? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'am to canadian idol next year but i want to become one now turned 16, july 3, i know alot of people ask theses questions but yeah i live on a rock so which it's hard to get yourself out there! i have sang at my school and at the boys and girls club tuns of times but i want more what should i do? yup




  1. Without question you should get a private vocal teacher. They really help you understand everything about the in's and out's of singing. A vocal coach can also help put you out there because they should have connections and doing even small performances will help get your confidence up with singing in front of people. Good luck!

  2. voice lessons. you need them. ( not saying your a bad singer or anything but improvement is always needed) mostly to really get out there, you have to have a versitile voice. be able to go from alto to saprano quickly. with voice lessons you can learn to accomplish this better and learn how to take care of your vocal chords better.

    i have been getting voice lessons for over 8 years now. I'm 17 years old. sing in coffee shops, in the park, anywhere public so that you get noticed locally. tryout for big talent shows beside school.

    one thing that is kind of necessary is to know piano or guitar. I find myself lucky knowing both, but its essential to have some form of music background and if you can write your own songs is even better.

    if you think you seriously have what it takes then step 5 or whatever. lol

    look for an agent.

    i have been fortunate to find a wonderful agent, but it took several years so don't be thinking its gonna happen overnight.

    this is some stuff they look for.

    sorry but its not gonna be a walk in the park....

    1) any previous experience onstage?

    2) taken any private voice lessons?

    3) live nearby an agency. you can look up talent agencies online and in the yellow pages

    4) they look for professional recent headshots. Photographer quality. this can be pricey. Although sometimes if your parents or friends have a really good quality camera, you can sneak normal photos in and just say they were done by a photographer...but ya have to know what your doing.

    5) Have good audition experience. Most agencies look for this because they want to know what they're going to be representing before hand. And they want to see if you have the talent. The best way to be prepared for this is to have all the audition experience you can get, whether its just audtitioning for local shows or what.

    6) don't get ripped off. Some agencies are nothing but a scam. As a starting career, don't look to shed out big bucks to these people unless they are ligit and can promise you a blossoming career. If they demand a high amount of money, they're not worth it. That is until, your making more money off of gigs they got you.

    its not easy and i'm not sayng it can't be done, but there are so many things they look for, its nearly impossible. You literally have to be one in a million these days.

    So confide in close friends and family members...let them know this is what you want cause your gonna need all the support you can get.

    Most yourself. don't change for anybody or because you think they'll like it better if you act a certain way. be original. thats what stands out.

    Good Luck!

    hope this helped.

  3. Consult a singing teacher who can help you perfect your voice and give you some further tips, you can achieve anything if you put you put your mind to it.

    Keep up the good work and good luck!

  4. The key point is to be an artist. Just pursue it, perform, perform, perform, in any possible show to get seen by as many people possible... You also have to identify a style that you want. A person, group, or company that really make you think "I want to do that". Find a way to  practice with their technique (and i said practice, besides study). practice is finally what will get you on stage in a solid way. Make yourself clear if you want either a JOB or an artistic activity that will make you happy. Being notorious is not necessary being talented, or, even worse, it will make you compromise many ethical things that you might not like to do or act in what you dont really like. The commercial circuit not always cross roads with the pure artistic lane, so you have to be focused in what you deeply wish. Welcome! Best of luck

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