
I want to become a vampire SOOO bad but how!?

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I will do anything if you are a real vampire. I've been wanting to be a real vampire since i was five which is quite weired by i want to become a real vampire. If i can find out by some who is for sure a real vampire or someone who for sure knows one.




  1. Guest56909

     Actually being a vampire is a disease. I learned that on the news on Fox29 news good day Philadelphia on Halloween, I'm not even kidding if your wanting to be a vampire actually think "thank god I'm not one" it's a disease of easy scaring and you can't go in the sun because you have the diseas I forget what it's called though. I remember it has the word ear in it though.

  2. i want to become a vampire, my life is literallly going into ruins, i get abused, teased, and even though i'm not emo, i cut myself, and watch my blood pour onto the floor, i look scary as it is, i used to be happy, but the last few years, its like my life was turned around, i don't want to be laughed at, and abused anymore, i want a way out, please help me,

    email me at

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