
I want to become a vampire, how?

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i feel like im stealing this question from other people, butthey are totaly right. being a vampire would be awesome, much better than the h**l of a life im living now.




  1. My names are . Helena Dolph Jackson,

    Am here to give my testimony of how i became a vampire.Long time ago,a friend of mine told me that Vampires are real and i doubted it

    at the first place,not until she confessed to me that she is one of them.She told me the reason she had to became a vampire,at first i was

    scared of her but later she made me understand that i need not to be scared and that becoming a vampire will only make me live longer than

    expected,become famous and be able to fight all my enemies which i later agreed to become,i never thought it was real not until recently.

    Am very proud to be one of them now,i have no reason to be scared  to give my testimony to the world.In case you are interested,just contact

    the bellow

  2. by name Am Johnson, i become a vampire because of the wicked world i was to live, the world is not fair to any body.

    things are made to happened when ever i want it to.i turn to a vampire any time i want to.

    am now a powerful man and no one step on me and goes free except they apologies.

    i read the mind of people and their thought.

    i also turn to human at any time. and am one of the most respected man in my geography.

    my friend introduce me into a vampire hood by given me their email.

    am happy that my dream came through. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly

    contact the vampire hood on their email

    contact me on Facebook Johnson vp email


  3. You can CHOOSE to become a vampire. They're not mythical, or magical, but people become one nowadays by CHOICE. Find out more here:

  4. Hey, being a vampire sounds cool 'n all, but seriously you have to be a whack job to really listen to this junk about them existing/not existing. Or the people who think the Twilight saga is a real story please. That's just kinda sad ]:    I mean kudos if they are real, but the chance of them being able to genetically change you into whatever they are is not likely. I mean why would they want to? I'm sure their like an exclusive club thing. You should see a psych. you know to help with your emotional problems. Or join some type of club to expand your social life. Get a goldfish. A job if your old enough. A gym membership card. Church. ~By the way I'm sensitive to uv rays, I've got heightned senses&I've had some s**y pale people bite my neck, but I don't feel very vampire-ish lol. It is just random chance if you ask me. You could pretend to be a vampir, there is book just wriiten recently bout a boy who does that, i read few chapters it's pretty freakn funny. Okay, I've nerded whoever actually reads this out enough, byyyeee.

  5. You dont have to be a vampire m**********r,so go f**k yourself b***h n***a 

  6. The mythical vampire that turns into a bat and flies, lives in a castle, invisible in the mirror, dies by a wooden stake, sleeps in a coffin, etc. Those are merely hollywood fables told as escapism from the pangs of the real world. Everyone imagines what it would be like to be immortal, however, in that sense, vampires do not exist.

    There are however real life vampires. It is a personality choice, a culture. Just like being a nerd, jock, band geek, hacker, etc. Those are cultures that exist. There are groups out there that meet up and share blood from a willing victim, file their teeth so they look like vampire fangs, etc. However, those people aren't accepted by true vampires.

    Ture vampires are born with a genetic condition of pale skin that is sensitive to UV light, hence their reluctance to go out into sunlight. However, blood is a poor source of nutrients and to sustain ones life on blood alone, would take more than one person a night. That right there shows that mythical vampires do not exist. As a bite recieved from a vampire would either turn you into a ghoul (weak vampire) or into a vampire (strong vampire).

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