
I want to become a vegan, any advice?

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I watched a disturbing video from PETA and it has really made me think about what I'm eating. I love animals and am horrified at what I saw. The only problem is I'm not finding the right sources to help me make this change. I've googled and found numerous sites, but none to my satisfaction. Any advice? Please, no mean comments.




  1. Congrats!!! Being vegan is a really big and important step!!

    Us vegans like to eat wide varieties of food!

    Of course you probably know what we don't eat.






    *Or anything else animla deprived.

    You also probably know why we

    don't eat these things.

    But to the fun, things we DO eat!!

    I like a wide selection of things including


    *Soy milk                        

    *Soy ice cream                

    *vegan cookies




    *or any other sweet you could think of like chocolate!

    The veggies should be something you eat daily because there a good source of protein for us vegans!

    You also probably know we've been known to eat vegan mock meats.

    *We have vegan....


    *Hot dogs                      





    *and much more!!

    These are good things to eat when you want a nice meaty taste without the animal killing and hurting!

    Also you probably know we don't use or wear anything that came from an animal like.....


    *Snake skin

    *Make-ups (not all come from animal sources)


    For more yummy vegan foods try....

  2. It would be helpful to know what kind of information you're looking for... nutrition information, lifestyle stuff, motivation, lists of animal ingredients to avoid, support from other vegans?

    Books are going to be more comprehensive than websites.  Here are a whole bunch of them:

    "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins

    "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins

    "Mad Cowboy" by Howard Lyman

    "No More Bull" by Howard Lyman

    "The China Study" by T Colin Campbell

    "Vegan Freak" by Bob and Jenna Torres

    "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina

    "Veganomicon" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero

    "Vegan with a Vengeance" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz

    The only website I visit regularly is - the forums there are pretty good.  There's recipes and cooking tips, health discussion, shared info on sourcing vegan products (like cosmetics, toiletries, etc,) support from people facing the same challenges as you, local meet ups, etc...

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