
I want to become a vegan?

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im 16 and have been a vegetarian for like 3 years, but i want to go vegan now, my whole family eat meat and dairy products, so whenever mum makes dinner i just like eat the non animal bits, but if i go vegan i cant even have pasta coz thats got like egg in ay? and mums not gonna go out and get me all this expensive soy stuff....what sorta things can i eat??




  1. You seem to be doing  things  for all the wrong reasons, and I feel sorry for your mother, because not eating along with everyone else is an insult to her cooking... I am sure you are really pulling on over  on all of them, but that isn't a good reason either... It should be for a more spiritual reason.

  2. Most pasta does not have egg in it.    I'm sure your mom will be willing to make sure she buys those brands.

    I suggest you try it for a few weeks and make sure you are getting a balanced diet.    Write down what you eat and show it to your physician.     Going on a vegan diet without being able to purchase suitable foods is not healthy.   You need to make sure you are getting all of the nutrients that your body requires.   Especially if you are in your growing years.

    Yes gelatin is made from animal products.    There is a vegan gelatin like product.

  3. I know how you feel my family the SAME way

    you can try boca burgers

    meatless product

    is only 3 dollars for 4..

    and its sold at yer local store in the freezer

  4. I tried to go vegan to it was hard when my husband went to McDonald's i got fries thinking just potatoes rights. but then I heard they put beef flavoring on them. and yes jello is made from bone that is what gel.  Good luck

  5. A vegan diet can be safe--and very healthy--no matter what the critics say,

    but it does require some education, planning, and effort when the majority

    culture is not supportive of it.  Go for it,.  Let us know how it goes.

    Vegan" (there are other fat-free or easily adaptable recipes at this site):


    (Serves 4)

    Serve this dish over your favorite veggie burger or as a side dish.

    2 medium onions, sliced into rings

    1/4 cup vegetable broth

    1/2 cup vegan barbecue sauce

    Saute onions in broth in a large pan over medium-high heat for 8 minutes.

    Add barbecue sauce and heat 2 minutes longer.

    Serve warm.

    Total calories per serving: 65

    Fat: 1 gram

    Meat etc very heavy food, you eat in morning then up to 8 hours you will not hungry. So if turn vegan eat by each 4 hours.

    What we eat transferred into sugar by our body. A fruit gives same sugar. It slowly releases sugar for body. It contains high fiber so you feel filled in.

    Sandwiches are alternative to meat and fish.

    Marshmallows, most biscuits, yogurt, frosted cereals, gelatin-containing desserts, molded salads.. Contain Gelatin

    Make rice + traditional yoghurt mixed with some water, salt and papper it could be a better food.

    Vegetable pasta is good. Just mix tomato puree in it.

    Go to some Indian or Sri lankan web site and learn to cook Idli, Masala Rice, and some curries,

    Other animal contain food are as follows.

    Albumin The protein component of egg whites. Albumin is also found in animal blood, milk, plants, and seeds. To thicken or add texture to processed foods.

    Anchovies Small, silvery fish of herring family. Worcestershire sauce, Caesar salad dressing, pizza topping, Greek salads.

    Animal shortening Butter, suet, lard (see lard below). Packaged cookies and crackers, refried beans, flour tortillas, ready-made pie crusts.

    Carmine (carmine, cochineal, or carminic acid) Red coloring made from a ground-up insect. Bottled juices, colored pasta, some candies, frozen pops, "natural" cosmetics.

    Calcium stearate Mineral typically derived from cows or hogs Garlic salt, vanilla, meat tenderizers, salad-dressing mixes.

    Capric acid (decanoic acid) Animal fats added to ice cream, candy, baked goods, chewing gum, liquor and often not specified on ingredients lists.

    Casein (caseinate) A milk protein. It coagulates with the addition of rennin (see rennin below) and is the foundation of cheese. An additive in dairy products such as cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Also used in adhesives, paints, and plastics.

    Clarifying agent Derived from any number of animal sources. Used to filter wine, vinegar, beer, fruit juice, soft drinks.

    Gelatin Protein from bones, cartilage, tendons, and skin of animals, Much of the commercial gelatin is a by-product of pig skin. Marshmallows, yogurt, frosted cereals, gelatin-containing desserts, molded salads..

    Glucose (dextrose) Fruits or animal tissues and fluids. Baked goods, soft drinks, candies, frosting.

    Glycerides (mono-, di-, and triglycerides Glycerol from animal fats or plants. Processed foods, cosmetics, perfumes, lotions, inks, glues, automobile antifreeze. Used as emulsifier.

    Isinglass Gelatin from air bladder of sturgeon and other freshwater fish. Clarify alcoholic beverages and in some jellied desserts. Rarely used now.

    Lactic acid Acid formed by bacteria acting on the milk sugar lactose. Imparts a tart flavor. Cheese, yogurt, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, candy, frozen desserts, chewing gum, fruit preserves, dyeing and textile printing.

    Lactose (saccharum lactin, D-lactose Milk sugar. Culture medium for souring milk and in processed foods such as baby formulas, candies and other  sweets, medicinal diuretics, and laxatives.

    Lactylic stearate Salt of stearic acid (see stearic acid below). Dough conditioner.

    Lanolin Waxy fat from sheep's wool. Chewing gum, ointments, cosmetics, waterproof coatings.

    Lard Rendered and clarified pork fat. Often fat from abdomens of pigs or the fat around the animal's kidneys. Baked goods.

    Lecithin Phospholipids form animal tissues, plants, lentils, and egg yolks used to preserve, emulsify, and moisturize food. Cereal, candy, chocolate, baked goods, margarine, vegetable oil sprays, cosmetics, and ink.

    Lutein Deep yellow coloring from marigolds or egg yolks. Commercial food coloring.

    Myristic acid (tetradecanoic acid) Animal fats. Chocolate, ice cream, candy, jelled desserts, baked goods.

    Natural flavorings Unspecified, could be from meat or other animal products Processed and packaged foods.

    Oleic acid (oleinic acid) Animal tallow (see tallow below) Synthetic butter, cheese, vegetable fats and oils, spice flavoring for baked goods, candy, ice cream, beverages, condiments, soaps, cosmetics.

    Palmatic acid Animal or vegetable fats. Baked goods, butter and cheese flavoring.

    Pancreatin (pancreatic extract) Cows or hogs Digestive aids.

    Pepsin Enzyme from pigs' stomachs With rennet to make cheese.

    Propolis Resinous cement collected by bees Food supplement and ingredient in "natural" toothpaste.

    Rennin (Rennet) A coagulating enzyme obtained from a young animal's stomach, usually a calf's stomach Rennin is used to curdle milk in foods such as cheese and junket--a soft pudding like dessert.

    Royal jelly Substance produced by glands of bees. "Natural foods" and nutrient supplements.

    Sodium stearoyl lactylate May be derived from cows, hogs, animal milk, or vegetable-mineral sources. Used in cake, pudding, or pancake mixes, baked goods, margarine.

    Stearic acid (octadecenoic acid) Tallow, other animal fats and oils Vanilla flavoring, chewing gum, baked goods, beverages, candy, soaps, ointments, candles, cosmetics, suppositories and pill coatings.

    Suet Hard white fat around kidneys and loins of animals Margarine, mincemeat, pastries, bird feed, tallow.

    Tallow Solid fat of sheep and cattle separated from the membranous tissues Waxed paper, margarine, soaps, crayons, candles, rubber, cosmetics.

    Vitamin A (A1, retinol) Vitamin obtained from vegetables, egg yolks, or fish liver oil. Vitamin supplements, fortification of foods, "natural" cosmetics.

    Vitamin B12 Vitamin produced by microorganisms and found in all animal products; synthetic form (cyanocobalamin or cobalamin on labels) is vegan Supplements or fortified foods.

    Vitamin D (D1, D2, D3) D1 is produced by humans upon exposure to sunlight; D2 (ergocalciferol) is made from plants or yeast, D3 (cholecalciferol comes from fish liver oils or lanolin Supplements or fortified foods.

    Whey Watery liquid that separates from the solids (curds) of milks in cheese-making. Crackers, breads, cakes, processed foods in cheese-making.

    Have raw wheat bread with milk, Make green beans sauce and preserve you can eat with bread,

    Ginger and garlic will be your best health protector. Buy paste and add in various vegetables it will be very tasty too.

    Pulses are the best protein supply boil them and add red chilli etc and eat 100 grams with breads,

    Various noodles are good too.

    List of English and vegetarian food stuff r given below.

    English Name Veg Name

    Beaten Rice Poha

    Bengal gram Chana

    Black gram Sabut Urad dal / Kaali dal

    Black eyed beans Chawli / Lobhia

    Broken Wheat Dalia

    Chickpeas (brown) Chana

    Chickpeas (green) Cholia / Hara Chana

    Chickpeas (white) Kabuli Chana

    Gram flour Besan / Chane ka atta

    Green gram Moong

    Horse gram Kulthi

    Maize flour Makai ka atta

    Puffed Rice Kurmura

    Red Kidney Beans Rajma

    Red Lentil Masoor

    Refined flour Maida

    Rice Chawal

    Semolina Rava / Suji

    Split Bengal gram Chana dal

    Split Black gram Urad dal / kaali dal

    Split Green gram Moong dal

    Split Red gram Tuvar dal / Arhar dal

    Split Red Lentil Masoor dal

    Wheat Gehun

    Wheat flour Gehun ka atta

    For recipe surf net well, world's 1/5th population live on above stuff.

    Yellow split beans is called "DAL" it will be your Soup gravy.

    I don't know why you are struggling in finding veg food, you know in each year around 3 millions people become vegetarian. Well decision keeps it up. It will be tough for 3 to 4 weeks but stick it.

    Drink coconut water and 10 glasses of water too,

    Best of luck.

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