
I want to become a vegetarian, but my parents don't want me to. What do I do?

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I want to become a vegetarian, but my parents don't want me to. What do I do?




  1. One time my dad forced me to eat scalloped potatoes and I thought they were disgusting and I was crying and I puked all over my plate (not on purpose) and he promised to never make me eat anything I didn't want to again.  So, he was fine when i became a could try that haha

    Just write everything down about why you don't want to eat flesh.

    Tell them  that beans are cheaper than meat, and you're willing to help them prepare meals.  Show them that you know how to get protein and how easy it is, etc etc.

  2. If you include eggs and milk/dairy products in your vegetarian diet there will be no reason for them to object.

    If you go pure vegan you have to be very careful to balance your amino acids to get enough protein daily.  Plus you'll have to take vitamin B-12 supplements.  It is almost impossible to get enough B-12 from non-animal sources.

    As for your parents -- what are they gonna do?  Force meat down your throat?

  3. Ask them one More time.  If they Dont Say Yes than Just keep it A Seceret but Dont Really Tell them.  I know Your Parents Want You to Eat Healthy Like My parents Always say Eat Vegetables!  I dont want to but i have to.  So eat a Serving that Has A lot Of vegetables in It.

  4. well.. probably not a great idea but im a vegetarian and my friend knows how much i enjoy it and wanted to be one too.. she just told her parents and if they didnt like it, refused to eat any meals they cooked her with meat in them until they gave in.

  5. Why don't they want you to? It's kinda your choice. At first tho, i didn't get a lot of the protein i needed from meat.. So try things with like peanut butter or tofu.

    answer mine?;...

  6. think about it and study up on what u can and can't have then go from their.

  7. They are probably just worried about you not getting the proper nutrition a growing girl needs and the hassle of making sure you have a balanced vegetarian diet all of the time. Maybe you could try going veg in stages. School will be starting soon, so try to always choose the vegetarian selections for breakfast (if you eat that at school) and lunch. Once you are comfortable with that, find some good veg recipes (there are tons online) and ask your mom to try some of them out once or twice per week. Be sure to do a lot of reading so you will know how to take care of yourself well. Maybe you could ask  your mom if it would be ok if you ate everything else she makes for supper, but substitute the meat protein for another type that YOU would be responsible for making. You don't have to have an "all or nothing" attitude. Most people stick with it longer if they go through stages of transition like this. Good for you and good luck!

  8. They may just see it as just another eating disorder, which, to be honest, it probably is.

  9. You dont have to eat meat if you dont want to, just explain it to your parents and listen to why they dont want you to. If its a good reason, like if your anemic or something, take it into consideration, but just talk to them about it, and if their reason isnt good, just dont eat the meat.

  10. Well, meat is kind of an important part of your diet. I have never understood vegetarianism, but I will offer my advice anyhow. If you are trying to eat healthier, consider compromising to only eat chicken and fish (which are considered much healthier than red meats), and also try and pay attention to how they are prepared. If it is for moral reasons, you will have to explain this to your parents, good luck. I hate to put it this way, but your parents most likely know what's best for you. Good Luck.

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