
I want to become a vegetarian. Tell me how ?Leave your question's link too!?

by Guest56494  |  earlier

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Tell me how to do this. Like, do I eat no meat at all? I'm 13, so I don't have a clue how to do it. I just don't want to eat meat and animals ever again. Tell me the steps of doing it, and leave the link to your question, and I'll answer yours, thanks :]




  1. Basically, you just cut meat, seafood, poultry, and animal by-products out of your diet. There isn't a how-to manual on how to become a vegetarian. It is what it is.

  2. There are not really any steps. you just stop eating meat. There are many different types of vegetarians, and its up to you do decide which one you are. Check out my source link.

  3. you can start with just red meat first, which is what i did. but pretty soon if your like me you won't want to eat any meat at all. you can eat veggie dogs or veggie burgers, and they even have like really really good veggie chicken nuggets! i even got my not vegitarien friends to like those lol. but also eat lots of like nuts and peanut butter. and you really need to get into liking tofu, becuase if made properly, it can be really tasty and like INSANLY good for you.

    im 13 to, i became a vegitarien 6 months ago, and im still going strong. it gets easier. you just have to get used to bringing veggie dogs when you go to someones house and there having ribs(it happens more often then you think lol)

    but anyway, good luck hun<3 i hope it works out for you.

  4. Here are some great sites:

    Also, check out some vegetarian cookbooks at your library.  

  5. I'm 13, and i became a vegetarian when I was about 10 or 9. Nobody in my family is, but i just couldn't eat meat after watching a video online about where meat comes from.

    Here's a few websites: (this is one of my favourite sites^^)

  6. im 18 veg turning vegan

    good luck

  7. I just became a veg and im fourrteen. You can either stop eating red meat at first and then later on stop eating all meat, or you can stop all at once. I personally decided to stop all at once cuz i didnt want to eat meat anyways. You cant either eat fish unless you want be a pescetarian which is a specific type of veg. Good Luck!

    Hope that helped!!! :D

  8. I'm 13. First I stopped eating red meat. This is burger, pork, bacon, steak ect.

    Later, like a month a stopped eating chicken and turkey.

    But becuase of helth reasons I still eat fish

  9. Vegetarians never eat animals or byproducts of their slaughter.

    Cows, chickens, fish, shrimp and clams are all animals.

    Here is a small list of foods that vegetarians eat.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  10. Okay, I'm seventeen. You might want to tell your parental units about this - it makes it so much easier. If you can get them to understand, they can help you. Depending on the parent it might take some persuasion, show them proof that the vegetarian diet is healthy and works and that you can get enough protien. They might think that it is just a phase - but you can prove them wrong by not giving up. :)

    My mom was super easy, since she's a pescetarian herself, actually I think she was happy for me, or at least that someone else in the family took a similar path to hers. She never made me or my sister eat vegetarian, I just came to it on my own. Dad was harder - he was concerned about the health stuff since I wasn't an adult yet. But it wasn't' too hard.

    You basically have 2 options conversion wise.

    *You can just go cold-turkey and simply never touch it again

    *You can slowly phase it out.  

  11. There's no real "steps" to do it, everyone goes veg differently. You can slowly phase out by eating less and less meat, or go cold turkey, or stop eating one type of meat at a time... it's really up to you. But to be considered a vegetarian, you can't eat any meat. No red meat, poultry, seafood, or slaughter byproducts like animal fats, stocks, or gelatin.

  12. I've been a pescatarian for a long time.(the only meat I eat is fish) And basically being a vegetarian means that you don't eat any meat (fish, cow, pig, duck, dog, zebra...ect.)  

    That's pretty much it, no meat.

    Now, a Vegan is different.  They don't eat anything that has any type of animal products in it. (butter, gelatin, milk, eggs, ect...)  Nothing that came from an animal.

    A Vegetarian life is much healthier than a Vegan life style and even an omnivore in the long run.

    Just make sure to get plenty of protein and iron to replace your lack.

    ::Pepper Speigel::

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