
I want to become a vegetarian because of all the cruelty with the animals

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i cant stand what is going on in the slaughter factories to the animals!! it is horriable and i do not want to eat meat again but i just dont know what else i could eat..i began thinking about it and every little thing has meat in it. would i get fat being a vegtarian since all i can think of i could eat is junk food?




  1. I think you need to do a LOT of research.  Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and grains are not junk food.

  2. There are fat vegetarians. Basically you have to watch your simple carb and fat intake. If you do it correctly and eat a lot of veggies, you should be fine, assuming you exercise, I am not a vegetarian, but enjoy many veggie meals. Veggies (squash, celery, peppers and onions) slow cooked in olive oil for 2 hrs is an awesome dish, full of fat, but healthy none the less.  I know veggies who are obese and eat a lot junk

  3. Fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, tofu.  Plus there are a lot of products out there like vegetarian cold cuts, vegetarian burgers etc. that you can eat in place of real meat.  

  4. Eating fruit, nuts, veggies, and grains won't make you fat.  On the contrary.

  5. you can start by researching vegetarians. i am a raw vegan and i eat fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts. i eliminated processed food and anything animal. you can check out one of my favorite websites also their are recipe books you can buy.

  6. Did you notice the word "vegetable" as the root of vegetarian? .... Vegetables and fruits don't contain meat ...  Nuts, legumes, and tofu are great sources of protein.  In fact, you'll need to check the labels of the junk food that you normally eat, because most of it is probably NOT ok for a vegetarian to eat!  .....  This is a whole lifestyle that you are embracing;  not just something to do because it's trendy

  7. do what you want but if we all become vegetarians, animals would soon run the planet. look on some websites that offer vegetarian recipes, there are alot of good ones out there. im not a vegetarian but there are a lot of days where i just dont want meat. try eggplant parmesan yum

  8. Vegetarian comes from "vegetation" not vegetables.

    Not all foods contain meat. Pasta with vegetable based sauces do not have to have meat. Peanut butter and jelly does not have meat.etc etc. Use you imagination. I suspect you are 12 years old or younger.

  9. An awful lot of junk food is made with animal fat.  Go to the library and take out some books on vegetarian diets and cooking.

  10. no you can eat yogurt, soup, vegeatables, beans, mashed pototaoes, lots of healthy stuff, salads

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