
I want to become a vegetarian. but i rarely eat vegetables. what do you suggest?

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plus im dominican our everyday foods include meat i just cant stand all this animal cruelty.

ugh i need to become a vegitarian and ideas??




  1. You will want to start by eating vegetables on a daily basis. Cut red meat out of your diet completely and try to eat fish and chicken. After a while with that, cut all meats out of your diet and eat more fruits and veggies. Remember to take a vitamin supplement if you are not getting the vitamins you need.

  2. I would suggest keep trying new foods and vegetables. When I first went vegetarian I hated all vegetables besides, corn, broccoli and carrots. Over time my tastes changed and I began to like more veggies.

    I also found that I like most vegetables cooked a certain way(lightly steamed), and if they are over cooked I do not like the taste. You should see if you like your veggies cooked a certain way.

    Some times it takes me eating the same vegetable numerous times before I actually like it. Most recently I found out I like zucchini, which I had tried before a few times and hated it. Taste change over time, so keep trying.

    Vegetables and other foods I have added to my favorite list since becoming vegetarian... cauliflower, green beans, chickpeas, spinach, squash, mushrooms, peppers, onions, watermelon, cantaloupe, red grapes, etc. All these foods I didn't like and it took a few times and different ways of preparing to finally enjoy them. Now it is not uncommon for me to eat green beans, or cauliflower as a snack.

    You may be a picky eater, but you should put that aside and at what you need to stay healthy. If you want to become a vegetarian, you will need to incorporate vegetables into your diet.

  3. there are lots of good veggies.

    that are really good for you too.

    i used to be one and you can turn lots of foods into good veggie ones.

    like pizza get some pita bread on take diced tomatoes and like green peppers and feta cheese and other types of veggies you like and bake it.

    its healthy, good, and meat free.

  4. not only is it unhealthy to just switch to being a vegetarian without having been one for awhile ,i say just protest for now and slowly ween yourself off meat

  5. Obviously, if you want to become a vegetarian you had better get used to eating vegetables, and lots of them.

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