
I want to become a writer. I've wanted to write since I was 8 years old. I can't go back to college, but...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike there anything I can do to sharpen my skills short of going back to school? I have decided to write fiction, but it is based on my own life experiences. Even if I don't get published, I think it will be fun and healing for me. Any freelance writers out there that care to share their personal journey with me? Thanks!




  1. Write some every day.  There are plenty of books out there on fiction writing.  Lot's of libraries have writers groups or you can go online, such as Gather where you can write and get advice.  Enjoy!

  2. some of the greatest writers never went to high school alone college -- they claim every one has a best seller within themselves -- i believe that -- just sat down and write a story (short) every day -- fiction or truth but write!!!

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