
I want to become an Engineer . Can somebody tell which field is the best in engineering and also high paid.?

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I've heard that Nuclear engineering is the best but some people deny and say Architectural engineering is the best and some say it's Civil . I'm very confused which to choose.




  1. Engineering is very vast field & branch depends upon personal intrest bt i'll try 2 help u....!!!!

    Nuclear engg. is no doubt a good engg. branch but it is very limited field...I advice you 2 adopt a vast field 4 graduation like comp.,electronics or mech. & then go 4 specializations...

    As per ur salery...dont worry 4 that...First be in ur intrest field & giv ur best...then money/fame will come 2 you......Best of lucckkk....

  2. engineering is for fun.  it doesn't make a living even for a 95 percentile achiever.  good luck and best wishes....

  3. pretty much electrical and computer sciences are nerds.  mechanical and civil are cool.  mechanical is also very broad.  you can technically do anything from petroleum to material science to industrial.  As far as getting paid, don't look for the yearly incomes.  Yes some get paid more than others, but it is NOT uncommon that your 75k a year salary comes with 30 hours overtime built in every week.  Pretty much pick one that interests you.  If you like electronics pick electrical, if u like computers then computer science, if u like moving parts pick mechanical, if u like bridges and roads pick civil.  Also,. location after you graduate can be important too.  For Texas, mechanicals have to go to the coast, while electrical and computer science go to Austin.  Civils can go basically anywhere there is a big city.

  4. Petroleum engineers are listed as best paid.

  5. For a female, Chemical Engineering is the best field,. and is also one of the best paying, but nothing beats going into the field where your real interests lie.

    If you don't have any personal favorite take a series of aptitude tests that are available from counseling centers and go into a field for which you have a strong aptitude.

  6. Generally any engineering will put you on a path to a good well paying career. A degree will only get you some of the way though. I have just finished my degree in electronic engineering and am looking for jobs and almost all ask for experience so If you do do a degree take summer internships. In terms of what degree I would suggest doing something quite pure like Mechanical or Electronic engineering avoid doing something like  "geotechnical engineering with appropriate technology and robotics" as it is very specific. You probably have an idea of what type of engineering you like at the moment, and do that but your interest might shift. I started on a mechanical course and then switched to electronic because it seemed more suited to me. Just find the path thats most suited to you.

  7. Chemical Engineers are the highest paid and we have a lot of females too. I think you should go for Chemical Engineering.

  8. Computer software engineers are paid fairly good.  Electrical engineers are paid well also, but it's difficult to find a position with just a BSEE degree.  If you go the EE route, definitly focus on RF and analog.  Digital designers are, like Mechanical Engineers, are a dime a dozen.

  9. Don't work for money, do what interests you the most.

    The classes are not easy but if you are taking a discipline that truly interests you, you will not find it such a chore to study.

    You may also want to take a look at the job market and what jobs are easily available in the future.  Degree is no good with out a job on the other end (political science people).

    I just read an article saying that mechanical engineers are in a shortage and i find that discipline the most interesting.

    Take a look at all the types and pick the most intriguing discipline.  That is exactly what i did 4 years ago.

  10. Given today's financial environment I'd recommend Materials Science or Chemical Engineering.  Both are applicable to many industries, and pay fairly well.

    As others have said, Engineering is not something that will make you a ton of money.  Unfortunately the less useful careers, that involve less actual knowledge have that distinction (Management, Sales, Marketing).  

    If you like working with computers, Computer Science can also provide a good income.

  11. Don't be an engineer to be paid well.  You will be paid well, but by about your 15th 80 hour workweek you will realize why.

    If there were a "best" engineering field we would have a hard time finding people to do the other types of engineering our society needs.

    The "best" engineering field depends on your interests.  What are you interested in?

  12. My friend,there are several factors

    1.Most important is about your interest

        you choose the field that you are interested

    2.The second is the Scope

       the scope of any field is place depended  

    3.Another important thing is that you must have your own skill  in the respective fields.otherwise you will not survive

    4.The campus that you are studying is also important

       so that you are getting good job offers.

  13. Hello,

    study in the field you like and you're good at to make your choices easier. I personally wont work just for money because i think its better working in an environment you like and money comes along. As good worker you are the quicker you'll get promoted and the higher your pay will be.

  14. best paid engineering field is relative to where u are , so check what is the least no. of engineers there is in some specialization & make sure it's paid best bec. the supply is less than demand

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