
I want to become an actress, but i get stage fright...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, yeah i wanna be an actress, its my dream, but even when i only read a few sentances in front of one of my classes, i get really nervous and sweaty and i kind of just stay in one place the whole time. and now i have to make an oral book report next week, AND ill have it on tape! ill be graded on how loud i am (im usually pretty loud when it comes 2 tht), if i look at "my" audiance, and how clear i am, and itll be caught on tape! How can i get over this fear?!




  1. the way to get over stage fright is to just DO IT.

    Fear of public speaking is the second most common human fear.

    (the most common is fear of heights or falling)

    Don't look directly at your audience. If you can. focus on an area just over their heads.

    Remember, nobody ever died of stage fright.

    you can do it.

  2. 1. Just practice over and over so you know it inside and out. Also just say it for anyone who will listen. It will help you get use to saying it for the real thing.

    2. If you want to look at someone focus on their ear. (it looks like your looking at their eyes)

    3. Take a few deep breathes, and have fun with it! I hope i helped!

  3. My drama teacher tells me to imagine that right above the audiences heads is the same play you are doing on a mini stage at the same time and you can mimick the play thats going on. Although if its an oral report, you may want to just pick one person you trust and make eye contact with them.

  4. For one thing, giving oral reports for classes is quite a different situation than performing a monologue or a scene in a play. You are YOURSELF when you get up to deliver a report. Not only that, but you're having to give it to a bunch of dumb, judgemental students, not audience members who are there to watch a good show. I did absolutely horribly when I had to deliver speeches to my class, but I can pretty much perform a monologue for people with no problems. And that's because it's not me, I AM the character. Don't think about looking stupid. Think about doing the character justice. Throw yourself into the part. Rehearse for hours upon hours, daily if that's what it takes, to know your words backwards and forwards.

    You just need to approach this project as if it's an acting part. You are going in there as a character, a girl who is confident, knowledgable, and at ease with her surroundings. Think about the things you are good at or the times you've really made someone happy. Use these to pump yourself up before you perform this book report.  

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