
I want to become an actress, in films

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I am fifteen years old, i am very interested in becoming an actress, for film. I am going to start a local drama school, to boost my confidence. I am very nervous though, any tips? As i said, i want to go into film, but this school is more musical, i can still get spotted for film can't i? I also wondered if you have to have a degree to become an actress? Hugh Grant did he?




  1. The first thing you should do as soon as you have confidence to try is to tryout for a play at school or in the community. Experience is more important than clases for an actor, and all actors, stage and screen start on the amateur stage. You are not going to get spotted at this school. You need to do lots of plays and find out if you are any good. If you never get a good role and people are not enthusiastic about your performances do something else. But if you are good at it, go for it. Do not worry about a back up. If you ever quit trying to be an actor you can always go to college then. But for a failed actor to become a teacher of students who will become failed actors and teachers of students just makes it that much harder to suceed as an actor and is part of what is wrong with acting in our day.  If you are good at it, do it, if not, get married and have babies.

  2. get an agent!!!!

  3. I know what your going through, I went to an art school as well for theater. Even if the school is more musical theater inclined you are very fortunate to be going to a school like that because I know without the training that I got at that school I would never be prepared to enter this business. Just take a deep breath.

    You don't need a degree to be an actor, in fact nobody cares if you graduated from Julliard as long as you can act and act good. But if you have your heart set on acting and nothing else then you need a back up plan. What are you going to do with your life if you don't make it? If acting is the only thing you can imagine yourself doing then do it, but think about the consequences. You need a degree if you want to teach one day and that's what happens to most actors, they don't make it so they teach. That's the only reason actors need "degrees" but you still need training, with or without a degree.

    Also, Anne Hathaway went to collage to see if she could do anything else besides acting and then after she graduated she started auditioning and look at her now! So think about it, because acting is the hardest career out there. Trust me I know, I live it.

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