
I want to become an actress more than anything in the world. its the only thing ive wanted to do ever.?

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I am highly involved in theatre right now. Im entering my senior year in high school and my passion for this industry just grows everyday. My real dream is to be in film and television though. My directors say I have the talent. And I think I have the drive and ambition. After i graduate im moving to nyc , la, or chicago to pursue my dreams while attending college as a theatre major. I want this so bad it brings tears to my eyes to think about doing anything else for the rest of my life. If anyone could give me any advice I would be grateful. Im still working on gettting an agent and headshots done but i want this so bad. PLEASE HELP ME!!!1




  1. i am really touched by your zeal and interest in the field of Acting and Theatre. However remember , that 1% is inspiration, and 99 % is perspiration.

    I see from your profile that you have been on Yahoo for now two years ! still there is hardly any movement in answering any questions.

    I t is true I have done  a six -years course of dramatics, but that is about 35 to 40 years back. Same thing regarding my poetry. yet you will see, that within a short period of less than two months i have been declared TOP CONTRIBUTOR  in Poetry, Theatre and acting and Photgraphy. i studied hard to revive my knowledge on all three subjects and i was answering to esp. young people. Remember, not only I had to refreshen my old knowledge but I also had to keep up with all the web-sites on these subjects to answer to people.

    i see that your reports about your directors is good , your English is also good. Where ever you get chance immediately take the assignment of acting in any drama or film, however small it be.

    Try and learn truly to get identified with the character that you are acting. I have had several occasions where I got identified with a character, and my lord the experience and memory of it stays with you for a life-time.

    We did the play of , ' Billy Budd ' . I was given a verysmall and insignificant role of The Danskar. i simply for those moments became the Danskar. Not only after the play every body said that the part of Danskar remains as the most memorable in the whole play. They asked me what had happened, I simply remained mum. Even after decades i have heard people talking about play and the Danskar. My Director till the day remembers it !

    I have just given  an answer to some one on voice training. I thought it would be good for you to have it as well :

    There are several rules for perfecting your voice :

    1) First the most important is that when you are reading or reciting let your eyes move ahead and see what is coming so that you know what is coming next. This is some sort of double concentration. You are speaking out or reading the lines , with proper comprehension . This is a difficult habit to cultivate, - not only to read or give lines of the moment but be prepared in your mind with the next line and esp. its meaning .

    2) Madam tongue is a lazy woman. She has to be forced to move properly so that the words come out properly, with correct intonations, from the mouth. The mouth must also open properly.

    For clarity of diction while you are readding if you find a word which does not come out clearly then repeat the word again and again with the back of a pencil or a ball- point in you rmouth. You will see, how much clearer your word will come out once the practice with the pencil is over.

    For this there are all types of tongue- twisters, that will clarify the difficulties with -

    a) b - Bibby- bobby bought a ball ....

    b) c - cricket critic of critical crisis

    c) h - Hedar is hoping to hop to Tahiti, to hack a hibiscus...

    d) p - Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, .....

    e) r - Red lorry, yellow lorry ( speak ten times fast )

    f) s - Moses supposes his toeses are roses, .......

    g) sh - Sheila is selling her shops at the sea-shore, ......

    You should be able to speak each of these with ease and very fast , without stopping. Whenever in difficulty use the method of pencil in your mouth while you are practicing.

    3) Learn to throw your voice far , so that even when you are without a microphone you should be able to make people heard. Everybody cannot be a ventriloquist , but the art of throwing your voice and breathing out from the stomach while speaking can be learnt. It must form a habit.

    Here there are some teachers who say speak from your stomach , while othetrs say, speak with your full head . I had a French lady dramatics teacher who taught me how to throw my voice and breath and speak from the stomach.

    For diction, books are available both for English as well as French.

    There are others, but I have given you the most important ones for dramatics. I hear that for the T.V. and the cinema, the rules change considerably.

  2. 1. Training. Acting/Dancing/Singing classes are a good start. You start to get some talent under your belt, and grow your confidence. Plus, if after about a year of classes if you realize you really don't like it, it'll be easier for you to back out.

    2. Experience. Do Community Theater, act in your school play, get in some student films, etc. You'll want to do as many productions as possible to have a great resume.

    3. Agent.

    As you can see, you're going to need to spend at least two years (At the VERY least. Usually you'll need three to four.) building yourself up. You'll want to make sure this is what you really want to do before you start getting into this.

    Also, you should NEVER have to pay for anything when it comes to getting an agent. If an agent tells you to take special classes from them or a website asks for a credit card number, that is a red flag that it is a scam. Some of the big scammers out there are: John Robert Powers, Millie Lewis, John Casablancas, Proscout, Model Look, Barbizon.

    Hope this helps and I wish you a fantastic career. =)

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