
I want to become pregnant but im breastfeeding and my periods havent returned yet?

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my baby is 9 months old and we want to start trying for another baby in about a month or so but as im breastfeeding im not getting periods yet so i dont think im ovulating is there anything i can buy to help other than ovulation sticks? i know it will take some time to become pregnant and im happy for that to happen as i dont want to stop breastfeeding yet because my son isnt ready to stop and i dont want to push him aside for another baby i am very keen to have another child any help will be welcomed

please dont make any harsh comments about having more children as i feel as a woman i have every right to increase my family!!!

thanks guys




  1. you can still movulate w/out your period.  You'llmhave to get the ovulation kit to tell when you're ovulating tho, or try the takin your temp every a/.m. technique...i don't know how it works though...

  2. i honestly dont have the slightest idea i would ask your doctor

  3. A friend of mine got pregnant breast feeding the doctor told her that you are still ovulating. good luck

  4. Why don't you just try to get pregnant and if it happens while you are nursing, then it does.

    If you want to conceive now, then the best way to do that is to stop or reduce your nursing, however, personally, I would just have unprotected s*x and let things happen as they naturally would. If my baby was still 9 months, I'd continue nursing and wouldn't wean until at least a year.

  5. The only way to encourage your periods to return would be to cut back on nursing.  Dropping a few feeds (esp. night ones) MAY get things moving again -- but some women don't ovulate again until they wean, even if baby is only nursing a few times a day.

    So you will have to decide what is most important to you, having another baby soon or continuing BFing until your son is ready to stop.

  6. my openions is....if it is not happening naturally why are you pushing it?...OBVIOUSLY your body is not ready for another baby...take things will happen!

  7. You are still ovulating.  Breast feeding just has an affect on your period, but not on your eggs.  Just keep trying.  I suggest getting pregnancy tests and take one about once a month just to see.  Without periods it is just harder to tell if you are pregnant.  For some women, their period will not return until a year or so after the baby is born.

  8. First of all, all these answers saying that you can still be ovulating without your period are full of BS.  The only hint of truth to them is that since your period occurs AFTER ovulation, you'll never know when you've resumed ovulating until after you've gotten a period.  

    In other words, breastfeeding is a valid form of birth control, but you never know when it's effect has worn off until it's too late.

    But bottom line, you have to decide which is more important to you right now... breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant.

    In general, I would vote for breastfeeding for another 3 months.  The reason is because you likely only have a (relatively) short time left to continue breastfeeding, but baby making can take a long time.  On average, you can expect it to take 6 months to get pregnant (because even when you've timed the baby dance right, you still only have about a 20-25% chance of getting pregnant in any given month).

    So based on averages, it will take 15 months before you can have another child (6 months of trying, 9 months in the womb).  So you either stop breastfeeding at 9 months and try for a baby in 15 months, or you breastfeed for another 3 months and try for a baby in 18 months.  15 v. 18 months getting a baby isn't much of a difference.  9 v. 12 months of breastfeeding is a big difference.  

    In other word, waiting for three months to stop breastfeeding will add 33% to the time you've spent breastfeeding so far.  But it will only add 20% to the time you'll expect to spend waiting for another child.

  9. My brother and I are the same age for 6 days... so, my mother got preg when he weas 3 months...and breastfeeding.  To whoever said "why are you pushing" obviously has no children and should be slapped.  I have a baby that just turned 9 months.. and we are trying for another also.  So I think you are awesome.  I breastfed until mine was 3 months, and I still have yet to have a normal cycle.  Ity kinda shows up for a day then leaves for a month or 2.  I would not cut back on BF just for the sake of having a period again.  Just keep trying and it will happen just like the first time.  Good luck and god bless your family.

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