
I want to become slim my weight is about 92 pounds?

by  |  earlier

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My body is well builded but only Im to fat for the age Im in 92 pounds thats to much for my age and no exercise materials Im good in playing rugby but once I got married thats the time when I started putting on a lot of weight now I want to fullfill my dreams again to be arugby player (23 years of age)




  1. It depends on how tall you are.  And I think you mean 192 pounds, not 92 pounds.....)(

  2. 92 pounds is NOT too much for a 23 year old!! You don't want to have an eating disorder and ruin your whole life do you?? Trust me. Putting on a lot of weight?? Well just keep excersising (sp) and you will build muscles. Muscles weigh more than fat so if you have been excersising and putting on some weight that may be why!!

  3. 192 pounds or 92 kg?

    92kg is okay for a rugby player.

    Creating a "calorie defecit" is what i'm trying, find your weight in pounds then X10, and thats what you need to eat to maintain your current weight, eating less than that amount will cause you to lose weight, and of course, execise works greatly.

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