
I want to become vegan but?

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i can't imagine how hard it would be to not eat butter, cheese, milk, chocolate, etc. and i know there are alternatives, but it's getting them that's the problem. i'm already a vegetarian, and i'm only 16. i have my permit, i just don't always have the chance to get to the store, and the local store doesn't have a lot of vegetarian choices, let alone vegan. it's just difficult to get the things i need. any ideas?




  1. Go to a nutritionist, my mom got sick because she didn't know what to eat. Be careful!

  2. First off, It can be VERY tough living at home and trying to be vegan, so kudos for that!  

    I am a vegan, but I do not normally buy alternatives.  There are hard to find, over-priced, and usually gross! Instead, I just stick to the basics: fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, etc.  One substitute that I MUST have is butter, though!  Most grocery stores carry vegan butter (or some form of dairy-free spread) and it is not extremely expensive either!

    If you are  a chocolate lover, just switch to dark chocolate!  Also, nearly every grocery store in America now carries soy milk.

    GOOD LUCK!  Do it for the animals!

  3. Becoming a vegan and staying so will require a lot of persistence. Agreed with above, make the switch gradually, and avoid fad foods.  

    Grocery stores seldom have  a lot to offer, but if you have one locally, try a co-op group and will have a lot more to often, Once they get to know you they will be able to offer more and make suggestions.   Watch and read labels and make sure you to maintain adequate intake  of proteins,

    Also, I would suggest that you do keep track of your food intake just to assure your you minerals and vitamin intakes are adequate.  If you have any questions, contact a registered dietitian, don't just rely on Q & Az

    Oh, for flavor, add a tiny amount  (1/2tsp) vanilla or nut flavored vanilla to 1/2 Gal soy milk, specially when you are driking it straignt.

    Good luck and good health

  4. yea i just started to be a vegetarian and i want to become a vegan but everyone in my house eats meat and dairy so im going to become vegan when i go off to college..its too hard to do it by myself at home. good luck!

  5. I think if you look further than dairy alternatives, you will be okay. Those foods are highly processed and sometimes contain a lot of sodium. If you think you can steer clear of them (for the most part), you should be okay.

    I totally understand that those foods can be pricey. Just concentrate on eating a good variety of your fruit, veggies, beans, legumes and whole grains. Start out only buying your bare essentials: like soy margarine and rice/soy/almond milk. Those two should get you started. Once you land a job, it should get easier.

    Try not to think of this as a setback - in order to compensate for the lost products, you will have to be more creative with your seasonings and you'll try new products. Being vegan is not all about consuming comparable meat and dairy alternatives. There are tons of vegans who don't eat *any* of that stuff and their palate is satisfied. :-)

    Good luck!

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