
I want to become vegetarian?

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hi i want to become a vegetarian. how should i start? can you give me some good recipes? my mom and dad eat meat so it'll be hard... what should i eat to still stay heathly? help?




  1. You could start by cutting out some meat, or you could do it all at once. If you type in almost any recipe e.g. vegetarian lasagne into google, you'll get TONS of results. is also good.

    My parents eat meat as well. It's annoying, but manageable. Whatever you do, don't annoy them about their meat eating or cause tons of drama in the kitchen. Try making your own meals (if you don't already), that way your mum/dad won't have to make dozens of meals and you can be sure that they don't add animal ingredients.

    You should eat plenty high-iron and protein foods including legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), tofu, veggie burgers, spinach and eat a lot of vegetables.

    If you want, one day (once you have a great recipe) you should offer to make dinner for everybody so you can *wow* your parents with vegetarian cooking.

    Good luck =D

  2. Hey! I'm 13 and I have been a vegetarian for about a month. So far I think it has been a great decision. I started off by not eating red meat. So I only had chicken and turkey. (I don't like sea food but I would have eaten that if I liked it. I did that for 2 weeks. Next, eliminate all animals except for fish. Then stop eating fish and go full veggie. I didn't eat a whole lot of meat even before I went vegetarian. I really liked tacos (with ground chicken or beef) turkey or salami sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and hot dog. I found imitation meat to substitute for all of them. I also enjoy getting protein from nuts, yogurt (with no gelatin), and peanut butter. Watch out for gelatin. It contains parts of animals and is hiding in all kids of things. (i.e yogurt, skittles, chewy candy, marshmallows, etc.) READ LABELS! Look in the ingredients for gelatin. Good luck!

  3. vegetarian is such a strong word. But, if you want to have a healthy life-style,you're have to reduce fat intake like animal fat, animal skin and reduce hormone growth chicken intake if possible. If you have a thick or thin body I suggest you cook your meals using olive oil. Because this oil is proven to remove unwanted fat in the human body.In order to keep or stay health one must always include vege in your every day meal and reduce meat intake 20 to 30 grams daily.

  4. You can either gradually phase out meat or just stop instantly. Tofu and peas, beans and lentils are a really great source of protein, so are eggs. And leafy green vegetables are a good source of iron.  this site has some good recipes this is also full of info. Good luck!!

  5. Congrats,

    first eliminate red meat, then pork, chicken, then fish. You can choose to eliminate eggs then dairy too if you wish. Some tips which may help you:

    - Talk to your folks before you do it.

    - Buy or borrow some good veggie cook books. Learn to cook and improvise with what you've got.

    - Learn to cook for your self and experiment with recipes and new ingredients

    - Make sure you eat a variety of fruit, veg, nuts, beans, legumes and get all your essential nutrients. If you're concerned see a nutritionist.

    - Stay in contact with other veggers n vegans for moral support.

    - Stay informed about issues and news. Subscribe to an online news letter like vegan outreach or chat with other veggers on yahoo.

    - Get active in the vegan or animal welfare community, it will help keep you motivated to stick with it

    - Stock up on healthy snacks, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, mushrooms, etc.

    - Be prepared to read labels and check menues before you go out or order. Having a little snack before you go out helps too.

    - Also find some great non dairy and egg substitutes. Soy milk, rice milk or sweet williams vegan chocolate.

    Good luck :)

  6. you start eat a vegetable w/ a little meat and then next time eat vegetables only, it very Delicious  compare to meat...I eat a lot of vegetables and its very good to our health. you can do it!

  7. boca burgers are good, and you should make sure you eat lots of nuts and beans, for protein.  i know everybody says to ease into it, but i saw the PeTA (yes i like peta what of it?) video Meet your meat and it really disgusted me. i stopped cold turkey.

  8. check out this site for great recipes.they're not just vegetarian,but healthy nonetheless.

    good luck!!

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