
I want to boycott Wal-Mart for using sweatshops, but can i just boycott the items that are made from there?

by  |  earlier

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Let's say i want to buy dog food or a birthday card, can i go to Wal-Mart or does going to Wal-Mart support sweatshops?




  1. isnt perfect...but neither is the other companies....smiles but i do find it amusing when everyone yells walmart but fails to point out that other companies are often doing the same thing,things brought in from China for example..not everything made in China is bad,there are quite alot of good companies over there,but the bad companies are ruining it for the rest of them,so why do retailers still buy from China? because its much cheaper, and that means cheaper prices for the customers nowadays just because an item says it was manufactured in one country doesnt mean that the products wasnt bought from China (or another country) to make that product. or visa versa..product are affected by China more than you realize (im only using China as an example ,im not trying to accuse them of anything), ....the only  sure way you can be sure not to buy from  ANY companies that "might" be using sweatshops is to raise/make your own stuff...or go into the local mom and pop stores that make their homemade/grown stuff in your area....youll pay more but if youre willing to go the distance than youve certainly got my respect   : )

  2. If you find and buy only the 'clean' items you will still make a profit for the company to continue its practices, so it defeats your purpose.

    If you can discipline yourself to only buy 'loss-leaders' the things at the head of the isle that they lose money on to get you into the store or into the isle, you can make a difference.

    Do you have that much passion and discipline? I don't, so I boycott them completely.

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