
I want to break up with my possessive and abusive boyfriend!?

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I wrote down so many reasons why. I think I'm going to do it today he really did press buttons last night when he came early morning. My boyfriend and I have a 4 year old in all of this I've tried to keep us together but it's not worth it. it's not worth all the hurt and disappointed. I know he won't let go. I know i can't just say leave good-bye i think he'll fight it out I'm scared do you think it would childish of me if I talk to my dad and have his support on this be my back bone? by the way I can't just leave if some of you guys were thinking that he lives with my family.I this is going to be the hardest part for me.




  1. if he is making you unhappy then you shouldnt be with him, if he lives with your family chuck him out, after all they are YOUR family not his, you shouldnt have to put up with a man like that

  2. If he's living with your family it might be a good idea to have the police in on this. Whatever you do, don't be alone with him or leave your child alone with him after you have told him he has to leave. Have your dad with you until he's gone, and change the locks right away. Call the domestic abuse hotline and see what they say about your situation. They can give you advice about what to do during and after your breakup, and how to keep you and your family safe.  

  3. You have answered your own question. I was with an abusive partner for a few years, we had 2 kids together and I quite simply did not want them to end up like him or in abusive relationships themselves one day! I am so so glad I left him(10 years ago now, maybe more) It got to the point when he nearly killed me and I decided enough was enough! Make that step and tell your dad, tell everyone because the more people you tell the more likely you are to leave him!Involve the police too,  I cannot believe I put up with the crazy things he did to me. Once you are away from him you will start living again as just now you are not living but existing! People will treat you the way you let them treat you! DONT put up with it anymore!

    You will meet someone else one day who will love and value you, I did and have gone on to get married and have 3 more kids! The very best of luck to you, get out of it soon! Life is too short! xx

  4. Have your dad help you. Your parent ill always be there for you. Get out of the relationship you dont wan to be in.

  5. No, call your dad to help, your a smart girl, good idea. Probably the best thing to do in a relationship like this.

  6. If he's abusive, you HAVE to leave. IMO, it's not really an option. You have this sweet innocent four year old involved in all this and if he lives with your family then surely they should have some inkling of how he really is. Worst come to worse you can get a restraining order which will prevent him from living there as well since it is you/your family's house. It's ok and understandable to be scared but how are you going to explain to your baby when he/she is older (and probably abused by him as well) that you just sit back all those years and did nothing to protect him/her or yourself?  

  7. Just do it and move on that's is what I'm doing against an abusive wife.

  8. honey wut you need to do is tell someone any one who will listen becuz no man has the right to put their hands on you and i my guess is to try to take your son and leave when hes at work or a way from the house. well i hope i helped you some wut.  

  9. Frankly, this is what's wrong with the world today. You have no men folk or strong relations to protect you. It sounds like your baby daddy is a jerk- abusive, probably unfaithful and undependable. Why? Because he can be. Whose going to stand up to him? You? He doesnt care. You're just a girl probably financially dependant, too.

    Make sure he does not want to be in this relationship. If he doesn't get your dad plus some older male relatives to help you get rid of him. If he does, get your dad and some older male relatives to make him accountable.  If he's not a real man (that means JOB, stability, protection) then get rid of him. If he is, then act like a woman and make him marry you.What were you thinking having a child out of wedlock anyway? You chose him. Now deal with it.

  10. Sure you can ask dad to be your back bone, but you have to learn to grow one yourself at some point.

    No one needs to live with abuse.   Good for you   go for it!  And most of all..........LEARN from it!

  11. Why would you have taken up with a possessive butt head in the first place. What you should take  away from this is that if a guy has the slightest problem, don't make excuses, make tracks!

  12. Good that he's not your husband, my ex husband was those things you describe and still is.  Get a protection order is he starts to get crazy.  Get support from family and friends!

  13. i agree with sunburst  get the police over to  help  you call them and have them help you tell them  your situation

  14. I think you should tell your boyfriend that it isn't working out, and that he should find a place to live (if he lives with you) and suggest he find a roommate if paying bills are difficult and stress that he can have your son on certain days or every other weekend so that you're being fair (as long as he's a good dad) and go your own way. I don't see how this could be difficult unless he gets all crazy emotional, and in that case it's good to have your father around or a male relative.  

  15. you're unhappy an this is the main reason and the most important you should leave him

  16. best is to talk with your family. Tell them what happen and this is what  you are going to do.

    Than you should file custody of the child. Court will help you to straight out the matter.

    Have you ever been physical abuse, If yes than is there any prove. Like police report. You need to have all the prove of what that you have to stay away from him.

    If he show any harm to the child than he can visiting the child with supervise.

    life is fragile enough so you should not let any one abuse you. You should not live in miserable either. Good luck

  17. Yes you can most certainly say it is over, leave, goodbye! It is not necessary to involve others in this. State your case and ask him to leave.  

  18. HE lives with YOUR family and HE'S treating you BADLY?   Did I read this correctly????  Are you nuts?  Where is your self esteem..... God, hon, whatever did you see in this man.

    (Of course he won't let go.... a freee place to live.... )

    Now that I am thoroughly confused as to why you even had a kid with this jerk,......

    You can't bail because you live there, so you need to go live with an aunt or something for awhile, take the kid with you, until your dad can call the police and get him outa there.  Unfortunately this will be a messy divorce since he's likely mooched off of your dad for all this time.... wow, hon.  Where WAS your radar????

    This looks like a dangerous careful.

  19. you should really get your families help

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