
I want to breastfeed my baby this will be my second with my first i bottlefed, but i would feel extremely ?

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uncomfortable doing it in public I know it natural and nothing to be ashamed of but i would fell too uncomfortable having my b***s on show in public in front of strangers




  1. wen ur about to breastfeed out in public cover da side with a baby blanket or shawl

  2. Its a completely natural thing, but you know they dont have to be 'on show' just chuck a blanket or towel over the top and noone will notice.  Wear proper maternity shirts when you go out or put a maternity singlet underneith a shirt (a singlet which have hooks to let down for breast feeding) so you dont see your belly when you lift the top shirt up to breast feed.  

    You might feel insecure, alternativly express milk some milk beofre heading out.


  3. There are lots of ways to be discrete about it, but it takes practice. Give it a try. Commit yourself to doing it for six weeks. Your baby will benefit from it tremendously.

  4. You can lay a blanket on you while you feed or nurse in the car before going into stores.

    I have one like this and its great for out in public if you dont want people to see you. Good luck and hope you stick with BF its the best thing for your baby.  

  5. its not really on show, you can use blankets and they make shirts that are very discreet and don't show much at all while your feeding. l

  6. well, you can be casual about it, you are not always going to be in public.  You can wear a small throw over your shoulders and it's quite discreet.  I used a diaper,  or wore a maternity shirt and just put my daughter under and that was that.  I did it on main st, Disney,  in Stores and restaurants.  Nobody gave me an odd look and I was fine with it.  I breastfed my daughter til the age of 3 and my son until 14 months.  And by breast feeding you go back to your original shape much faster and it's a natural way of birth control.  No periods!

  7. Don't worry.  I'm going to pump for my second baby and I too bottlefed the first.  I would never want to show my stuff in public, nor would I want to see another woman's stuff.  Nor would I want to have to explain to my child what that woman is doing.  Opinions differ on whether or not it's appropriate in public - some people say it's natural and you should be able to do it any where.  In my mind, though, urinating is natural as well and if we just squat in the middle of a store or street we would get arrested!!!!

  8. I totally understand how you feel. I have a 2 month old breastfed baby boy. At first it did feel a little weird feeding in public and I have gotten more than a few stares.  I also feel that, unlike peeing, breastfeeding is natural and how my baby eats- if everyone else can eat in public, why can't babies? If you cover up and are discreet about it, no one has the right to have a problem with it. Its an easy and convenient way to feed your baby without pumping or suffering engorgement because you fed the baby a bottle of previously pumped milk. If you still feel weird when its time to go out and try it or even after trying a few times, then you don't have to. Just know that you have every right to and every other breast feeding mother has your back.

  9. I breastfed for 5 months and never did it in public. You learn to go places that have nursing rooms (surprisingly a lot of places do), you find a way to get home in time for feedings, or you pump and bottle feed.

    Its a pain at times but it is worth it! Benifits out weigh the pains  

  10. So, don't do it in public. go to the restroom or to your car...many options.  

  11. I breast-fed with both of my children.  I used a blanket that I placed over my shoulder and covered my chest (and my kids' heads) as I fed.  It was very discreet.  I only did that in an emergency but normally I would give them a good feeding before we left the house.  We were never gone more than 2 hours.  Then I would feed them again once we got home.

  12. hopefully you are rally not going to just strip your shirt of or anything like that  hers what you do all way wear a button down shirt and bring a baby blanket the worst thing to do is to let the baby cry too long that is a sure way to draw attention to yourself and any way most people who see a mom breastfeeding have the good grace to  not stare the rest are ignorant and it is them who are doing something wrong not you i breastfed my son every where and any where and that was with my first 12 years ago  

  13. You can always buy a breastfeeding poncho to be well covered or you can go to a bathroom or dressing room.

    OB/GYN RN & mom

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