
I want to breed my dog, can anyone recommend some good literature, so i can be pre prepared.?

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I have two pure breed maltese terriors, they have been vet checked, showed, and proven themselves worthy.

It is my right to want to breed my animals just as it is your right to disagree with me, but please if you do not have anything helpful to say keep your opinions to yourself!




  1. Honey, you don't even know what the correct name of the breed is.  You have not 'showed' them and a simple 'vet check' is not sufficient health testing.  They have in no way 'proven' themselves as anything but your pets.  Of course it is everyone's right to selfishly breed their dogs to try to make themselves some money but it is not a responsible thing to do at all.  You don't want to hear the truth and are getting defensive about the fact that there are those telling it to you.  You asked for recommendations so you could be 'prepared' -- you get them and you chose to ignore them and go off on people about them.  It IS helpful to tell you the truth - that you don't know the first thing about your breed and would not be breeding knowledgeably and responsibly but would be doing what millions of others do and ignorantly back yard greeding poor quality dogs that you likely don't have any screened homes lined up for to begin with.    Just because one has the 'right' to do something doesn't mean they SHOULD do it... you have the 'right' to run a marathon but it would be rather foolish to do so if you had not learned how to and hadn't conditioned yourself to be able to do so without dropping dead, dontcha think?   There is a difference between 'right' and 'responsible' and while you have the right to crank out thousands of mutts let them be killed in a shelter, it isn't a terribly responsible action on your part, huh?

    If you don't want opinions then don't be posting questions based in such obvious lack of knowledge and responsibility on a public forum.

  2. Please leave the breeding of dogs to the professionals that breed to improve the standard in eyes, heart, hips, genetics.....that have parents of Show quality, field, therapy, agility, etc.  

    The worse place to get a puppy are from puppy pounds, Pet stores, and BYB's.  In this case, you would be considered a BYB.

    Shelters are FULL of unwanted dogs that are craving love and warmth, and are not getting that.  They get to sleep on cold cement floors.  

    I would hope and pray you will not consider breeding to add to this sad situation of unwanted puppies and dogs.

    ADDITIONAL:   That does not make them a "purebred".  Have you heard of the "Ponydoodle"?   They are also NOT  purebreds!  Here is the site:

  3. Before even considering breeding, you need to do years of research on your breed.  Get to know everything you can about the breed, and make sure your own dog meets the breed standard.  Many folks breed because they have a cute dog or a nice dog, but that does not mean they are good breeding dogs.

    Find a local breeder in your area who has the same breed, and ask them to be a mentor to you.  Have them evaluate your dog for soundness and also get them vet certified as healthy.

    Female dogs can have a very hard time with pregnancy and delivery, and may require a C section.  In addition, once the puppies are born, all pups and mom need frequent vet check ups.  This can be very expensive, and you will not get a selling price for the pups that will cover the expense.  In addition, depending on your female, the birthing process is very difficult and some dogs do not survive (just keep this in mind).

    Also, before considering breeding, get good homes for the puppies.  Estimate the number of pups based on the breed.  If you do not have homes lined up for the puppies, then don't breed - as the dogs will be very difficult to sell, and many will wind up in shelters.

    the shelters are full of dogs, some mixed breeds, but many purebreds.  Please consider this before considering breeding.

    You say you have "maltese terriers".  I have been in the dog world for 20+ years, in shows and teach obedience - I have never heard of a "maltese terrier".  If they have shown, do you mean "Maltese".  If so, you definitely need to do research on the breed before breeding them - make sure you know all you can about the breed, including the correct name.

  4. I think you should go visit your local shelter before you decide to breed your dog.  Then get your dog fixed.

  5. Here's one!

  6. There's way too many unwanted dogs, don't do it.

  7. be happy with what you have and get your dog fixed. if you are looking for help with breeding on here, you are not fit to do it. it is not to be taken lightly...  

  8. Here's a good website that tells you lots of things you need to do prior to breeding.

  9. i get HUNDREDS of e mails A DAY about pups and dogs scheduled for euthanasia.

    there were 6 MILLION unwanted pets killed last year.

    why would anyone WANT to add to that?

    OR put their "beloved" pet through the stress of carrying and delivering a bunch of pups?

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