
I want to breed my hamster but my mom says no what should I do??

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I have a female Dwarf Siberian Hamster but I've only had her for about 2 1/2 days and The hamster costs about 12.00 but I don't know how would buy a hamster and I don't want like a millon babies




  1. Normally a Siberian Dwarf Hamster (Or Winter White) has 4 to 6 babies. That may seem like it's easy, but it's a lot of hard work and commitment when they are young and old. Some people can handle this and others can't. I wouldn't do it unless you were at least 14 years old.

  2. if you dont want alot of babies, then dont breed her.

  3. Don't breed her, you will not make money off of her anyways, you would wind up having to give the babies away.

    She will be happier if she does not have to pop out like 10 babies.

  4. Dont do it

  5. i would say don't breed her.

  6. Listen to your mom and be happy with what you have.  Breeding hamsters takes research and a lot of time and patience.  Too many inexperienced people breed their small pets and end up with way too many babies.  

    It's one thing to breed by choice and be able to handle the responsibility of the pups.  It's another thing to have a litter, have no experience with it, and end up with two more litters because the pups weren't sexed or the father was never taken out of the cage.  

    Please don't breed just because you feel like you want to or you think the pups would be cute.  It takes time and it takes extra money to take care of all these little guys.  This is how so many pups get sent to pet stores and shelters because the baby population got out of control.  

  7. Honestly i would say dont breed her, If your mom says no then that means you cant do it unless you go do it without her permission (wich wouldnt be could cause she might throuw away the babies, if you do) Hamsters dont have 'a million' babies they have 3-25 (25 being REALLY rare) the common number of babies for as hamster is 5-8, if you did end up breeding them you could sell them to a pet store for like 3 or 4 bucks each ( if you wanted to) but if you breed them remember you cant handle them untill they start eating solid food (2-3 weeks) tho i wpuldnt breed your hamster if i were you, and even if you do you have to make sure there almost the same age and the hamster has been into heat before (check out my hams website:


  8. It's hard for inexperienced people to breed hamsters, especially ones from pet stores.

    Feel free to breed them but the mother will end up eating the babies anyway so it won't really matter.

  9. you shuldnt breed it if you dont want to deal with all the babies. listen to your mother! shes right on this one!  

  10. think about it. if your mom says no, listen to her. its better for you, your home and the population. trust me, you don't want to have hamster babies. the mother nor the babies can be touched and the nest can not be disturbed. i don't like to talk about things like this but cannibalism is a very high risk in hamster mothers. if she is stressed, the nest is disturbed, first time mother, sick babies, she will eat them!!!!

    thats not what you want to happen right???? that is the real deal, that really happens! if they do survive, they will be hard to find homes for anyway. its a lot of trouble for nothing.

  11. If you have never bread hamsters b4 then dont do it, although there is always a first. Breeding any animal takes a bit off their life expectancy too. those hamsters are also really hard to get rid of/sold

  12. I would suggest not to breed your hamsters. But if you really want to do it...


    1. You would probeley need 1 to 2 cages which costs $

    2. Don't touch your babies until their eyes are open.

    3. Do not disturb the hamster. Or else... the mom will eat her babies

    4. The cage would smell pretty bad.

    5. Make sure you seperate the males and female babies when they are about 2 to 3 weeks old or more babies for you 0.0      Note: The males are the ones with *cough* balls.

    Thats probeley all you need to worry about raising hamster babies. Excluding your mom and what you are willing to do with the babies.

    Have a Great Day!


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