
I want to bring my goddaughter and cousin from ecuador wat do i need to do or wat steps do i need to take?

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I want to bring my goddaughter and cousin from ecuador wat do i need to do or wat steps do i need to take?




  1. Assuming you are in the States, I recommend you contact the American Embassy in Quito via their web page as they have all the information posted there. However, it is VERY difficult to just bring someone to the States if there isnt a tight family bond (like a parent, spouse or child) Your god daughter and cousin need to prove strong economical ties in Ecuador and prove to be economically solvent so that they wont live out of welfare in the States. Check their webpage and ask for an interview with the consulate people once you are in Ecuador. You cannot start this process in the USA, you need to start everything in Ecuador in order to proceed if they approve your petition (which doesnt mean they will grant you the visa even if they approve for the petition to go through) I dont want to sound pesimistic but your chances are very slim.

  2. Where are you?

    If you are in USA is hard!!!!!! If you are US citizen you can just bring your mom, dad, wife ( husband) and sons. But if you just have a Green card you can just bring your wife , daughter and sons.

    You might want to be an sponsor for your goddaughter and cousin, but just to study here. And saying that you want to pay everything for them. Good luck

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