
I want to bring one female for my hamster. But i cannot afford their children?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to use some contraceptives for hamsters. For cats and dogs it is possible to go go thorugh some operations to stop their babies. Is something like this possible for hamsters. Can I keep male and female together, so that they could love but no babies




  1. no.. :)  you should house a teddy bear hamster one per cage since teddy bear hamsters are solitary which means they live on their own.

  2. Hey r u nuts......Hamster are small animals, cant go through operations and also they are not so s**y like human beings, dont think he is like you, he must be very happy alone , not like you dreaming about a girl friend/ boy friend always, come man leave him alone and let him have a happy life, he has not a human brain, chill buddy hamster is pretty fine , his tensions must be different than yours

  3. it is best just to keep him seperate. don't buy a female and put her with the male just because you think he is lonely if it means babies. that is irresponsible and the female would just keep having babies all the time which would be unhealthy for her. and just selling the babies to a pet shop is NOT the answer. just make sure you spend lots of ur time with him so that he doesn't get lonely or bored.

  4. hamsters are small animals and can not get operations. is your hamster a syrian or dwarf? you can always have the babies but then give them to the pet store (ask if they can take the babies before you buy a female). if your hamster is a syrian then he will prefer not to have companie (syrian's prefer to live alone). however if he's a dwarf t would be nice to have companie. why not get another male.

    hope i helped! Xx

  5. Teddy bear hamsters are syrian hamsters. Teddy bear is just a cutsie pet store name. Every hamster that is not a dwarf hamster is a syrian. Syrian hamsters are solitary, which means only ONE per cage. They're territorial and not social with other hamsters. If you try to put another one in the same cage, you may just end up with a bloody fight on your hands.

    It may be possible to neuter a male hamster, but it's totally not necessary. You're not looking to breed, and putting your hamster under anesthesia is risky and unnecessary. If you'd like to get a female and keep it in another cage, that'd be fine. Just don't put them together. Your hamster doesn't need a companion. He has you for that.

  6. No.

    What are you, six?

    Hamsters are too small to operate on.

    Besides, rodents don't love- like most animals, they exist to mate, not love.

    Just leave the hamster alone as it is. It won't suffer.

  7. I do not believe you can get a hamster fixed.

  8. Well firstly, you didn't tell us what kind of hamsters you have. Some types of hamsters are loners and you can't keep a male and female together or they will fight. They only get along when it's time to mate, and then they will fight again.

    Secondly, if you have the kind of hamsters that DO get along, there is no reason you can't get another male instead of a female, that way you don't have to worry about babies.

    Thirdly, the only way you could keep a male and female from having babies is to have them spayed or neutered. It is POSSIBLE to do this, but it's very risky and there is a high chance that the hamster could die during the operation. There are no other contraceptives for hamsters.

    Edit: Teddy Bear hamsters are one type of Syrian hamsters. You can not get your hamster a friend, even a female. They would get along for a little while, and then they would fight to the death.

  9. sell the babies to the pet shop you buy the new one from..

    ask them if they will accept them first so you don't end up with babies you can't keep

    its not a stupid question most people don't know that you can desex a ferrit.... why is this any dif

  10. If you would like to have a male and female hamster, the only way that you are going to avoid babies is to house them in seperate cages.  Hamsters are typically solitary animals and prefer to be by themselves. While you do see them together at the pet stores, that is only because they are babies and the chances of them fighting are low.  You could take your hammies to a small animal vet and have them altered but surgery for them is costly and the anthesia would most likely kill them as they do not tolerate it well due to their size.  I work at a pet store and we do not sell male and females together unless the families purchase seperate cages. Hamsters will not have just one litter, they can have alot of litters over the year. You also have to watch as their are some females that will eat their litters as they do not know what to do.


    they will fight do NOT put them in the same cage

    hamsters love but not for long they would lik eto mate and you could never operate on a hammy

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