
I want to build a inventory management system in excel.

by  |  earlier

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First i want to enter batches for products date wise

Product 01-08-2008 02-08-2008

Ketchup 01 02

Vinegar 01 0

The formation for products is defined on next sheet

RAW MAT unit Ketchup Vinegar

Tomato Pulp kg 10 0

Acetic Acid kg 2.42 10

etc ltr 0 0

etc 1 1

etc 0 5

Requisition on the third page for 01-08-2008 for material requirement

s.No description unit quantity required

1 (Acetic Acid) link with ltr 2.42

formulation & Batch

This type of system i want to make can you help me out




  1. No.........but I know a great homemade Catsup recipe!

    I think you want the Computing section

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