
I want to build a patio in my back there is a standard size or can i make it as wide as i want.?

by  |  earlier

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my yard is 65x25




  1. I am just astonished at the power and control that building inspectors and "Zone controllers" in America have. There seems to be "A Permit" requirement for every little job. How controlling and "Big Brotherish" is that. Here in the United Kingdom I can build a Patio, any size or any texture I like, and a big or as small as I like. I remember a line from a conversation on the radio today, which was, ""Everyone in America wants to be a director", Personally I can't see a problem with you building a patio in you own back yard.  

  2. You should check with your local township office to see if you need a permit, otherwise I'd think you can go as big as you can afford.

  3. you have to check with your city by law.

  4. a patio do you mean paving slabs?  If so you can rip up your whole grass if you so wish and lay slabs..You do not need to contact any authorities to do so either.

    No if it involved in digging a foundation and building a roof then you would need planning permission.  

  5. Contact the building inspector in your community.  They'll tell you how big it can be.

  6. You need to check with your city code, and get a permit.

  7. You'd have to get permission.Once you do that,they will be able to tell you .

  8. h**l, brother its a free country, how big do you want it? large enough for a good beer party with great friends!  Don't for get the BBQ. Have fun.

  9. As long as you keep within your legal boundaries it can be as big as you like. Before you start though, I would check with your local planning dept. that you are not infringing any local rules.

  10. check with your local town/city building regulations. if you put it up wrongly they might make you remove it

  11. First, contact the Zoning and Planning Department in your community to obtain building code info and permits.  If not, someone nearby will squeal to them on you and the officials will make you rip everything out.

    You can never have enough room when planning a patio.  Think about the amount and type of furniture you will be placing on it as well as other items such as a grill area.  It might be helpful to go "window shopping" for furniture first so that you can measure to obtain ideas for the patio size.  You want to extend the patio at least 3 feet past a chair that is tucked under a table so that it can be pulled away from a table, etc.  

    Take into consideration that weeds do pop up through the cracks so appropriate preparation before laying your hardsurface materials is important.  

    Choose colors that compliments the exterior of your home.

    Research and plan first before proceeding to eliminate the shoulda, coulda, woulda's!

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