
I want to build a pontoon boat for fun out of materials that typically get scraped?

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How or where can I get information on boat building and the

legality issues. I have access to large diamiter stanless pipe

and other materials, plus a large shop with facilities to do most

any comercial project. I could build a extra large pontoon style

craft that would float a 8x40 foot conex\container. I could put deck on either side to make overall dementions around

28x40. Building it, dissambling and houling to the coast, then reasembling would not be a problem. Usage would be limited to east coast close to shore and intercoastal waterwways.

Dock and bridge repair and underwater welding equipment

would be primary use.Should it be self powered or towed like a barge?Any related info helpfull. Thanks




  1. dont know of anywhere to look for info on something like that.

    will say, if you are using it for mainly stationary platform, and building it yourself, be better, id say,  being a barge. if you add engines or propulsion system of some form to a pontoon style craft, the design will have to incorporate a mounting platform etc for this engine. then your going to need fuel tanks, your going to need some form of control system. your going to need to figure out how you want to do it, most likely outboard id say, but then you need an outboard mounting plate and figure out how to get it situated so it would work efficiently, pontoon boat that size, would be very non hydrodynamic and would require a large amount of power to propel. so a large engine would be required. with a container that size on it, i dont think an outboard would be up to the task, you wouldneed to go diesel inboard. then you have engine bays, load bearers, various fire extinguishing systems, stern drive would neen to be mounted, ad on a pontoon, this is difficult without careful design of some form of pod between the sponsons. unless you went twin engines in each sponson, then your getting even more cost and more design. id just go tow, if the only time it moves is to and from a job site.

    legality? i wouldnt know, BUT, if it was being used as a commercial craft, im sure the coast guard will require it registered, and thus, inspected and meet the standards of a commercial craft, usually safety systems and so forth.

    im sure also it would be very hard to get a craft like that insured. iknow my boat is custom made and getting insurance for that is hard, and thats n ot used for commercial use. and that was built using modern day standards, to code.

    also on coastal waters, materials would be something needing careful concideration. you have access to stainless but bare in mind, in salt water, it would have to be marine or hospital grade stainless. regular stainless wont last long at all in salt water.

    i think its an ambitious project, especially to carry a load that size, and id sit down and do some serious math on it and design before you weld together a platform. weight distribution going to be key. thats abig load and a high load thats going to be sitting high int he water with very little draft. going to be unstable, even on a pontoon design. hafta design it so the weight is well distributed so as not to sit the bow too low or make it too side to side.

    sure it be possible, just probably pretty expensive if safety is a concern.

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