
I want to build muscle mass naturally with no steriods. Any advice?

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I want to build muscle mass naturally with no steriods. Any advice?




  1. As far as weights build for mass it's general practice to stay in the 6 to 8 rep range with moderately heavy weight..that's 6, 7 & 8 being hard to lift. I use that format for 30 days then switch back to 12 to 15 range the next month. I've been doing that for a long time and it works for me. Other then what I've listed..follow rookie35's advice...

  2. please refer to this simple to read book about building mass

  3. Get yourself a personal trainer at a GYM.  He or she will put together a diet and a workout plan based on your body size and what goals you are wanting to achieve.

  4. Compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, military press, bent over rows and pullups performed with as much weight as you can safely perform for 8 reps (the last rep should be an all out struggle to complete)

    Eat 16-18 times your bodyweight in calories per day (you may have to adjust up or down depending upon your gentics)

    Train upper body twice per week and lower once. DO NOT LEAVE OUT SQUATS as they are the most important in gaining overal body mass.

    Always strive to add weight to your lifts.

    Rest properly. Eat properly. Drink plenty of water

    Stay consistent.

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