I want to make a database of a certain type of objects (for instance cars ) I want to view the objects listed and classified by a certain attribute that they have (for instance price) . The database will be held on a server and i want the data to be presented on a forum or at least linked with another server where somebody could get the information needed (for instance i want to buy a car , i want it to be very fast and good smooth looking , and not exceed 100 000$) ... How can i achieve this ?
By now i know the how to program in c fairly good enough , i have knollege in how to build a database (but never built a complex one - just the retarded kind i learned in my classroom in 12th grade with the oracle program ) I will also get my oracle license in 3-4 weeks after the exam ...
I want to know what do i actually need (programs, books , ideeas etc) to achieve this and what is the order of this work . Curently i am a new student ( information engineering - will start first year in 2 months) and i have a lot of free time which i would like to dedicate doing something yousefull ... Any help would be apreciated :)
Thanks a lot anticipated