
I want to build my own airboat

by  |  earlier

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any suggestions and what should i use ive had them beffore but i want to build my own for something to do




  1. You want an aircooled engine, I think it's traditional to use volkswagon beetle engines.  Beware aircraft piston engines, many of 'em require 100 or 110 octane low-lead fuel, hard to get your hands on outside an airport.

    you wanting to fabricate the hull too?  can you weld aluminum?

  2. If your talking hover craft? Best bet is the old snowmobile motors. Then keep in mind that you want lift -so do not design it like a race car. You will need a skirt, and usually 2 motors. One for lift and one for propulsion.If you are talking skimmers- get an old airplane motor that will not pass flight certification. Mount high and get some ear plugs- either way you have a ball.

  3. just built my own duck boat 17ft.  Use duglas fir if you are using wood construction.  Make sure to cover everything with fiberglass or resin this will make it last.  Make your ribs out of a good hardwood like oak.  Would be happy to offer any advice send me an email.

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