
I want to build my wind for boxing?

by  |  earlier

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  1. jump-rope and run. also swim if you have access to a pool. for good information on fitness and nutrition go to also simply training in boxing itself will help you build stamina

  2. Jumping the rope and lots and lots of roadwork.


  4. Basiclly you want to condition your body...

    What you want to do is run at least 1-5 mile a day or 30 mins.

    Jump rope for 12 round 3 mins. each, taking a 1 min. break between each round. To get your lungs in the routine

    Hits the heavy bag for 6 rounds 3mins each

    Speed bag for half hour in 3 min rounds

    50 reps 4 sets of push up

    50 reps 4 sets of crunches

    Work with a medicane ball on your abs

    And get into the ring and spar if you can

    After about a week i GURANTEE that you will

    Last longer in the ring

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