
I want to built my website in Yahoo. May I use a name different from my Yahoo username?

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I want to built my website in Yahoo. May I use a name different from my Yahoo username?




  1. SURE! Here's an example to make it more clear...

    One YAHOO account could be named after you...with it you get: the Yahoo Mail, My Yahoo Home Page, your Yahoo Bookmarks, Briefcase, Photos, Groups, Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo 360 page, etc (see the "all of Yahoo" page- there's lots of stuff!!), saved under that name that you've opened to begin a Yahoo account with. AND you can build a website in Yahoo Geocities under the name you have chosen for yourself too, a "personal website"!

    Then, you can open another YAHOO account, that you can name after what your website name will be! The actual website, you open and build under YAHOO GEOCITIES...but the Yahoo mail, My Yahoo home page, Bookmarks, Briefcase, Photos, Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo 360 page, all the same Yahoo benefits listed in "all of Yahoo", will all be available to you under your WEBSITE NAME (whatever you choose - if it is available)...

    In summary: you get every Yahoo benefit under every name you open a Yahoo account under.

    It is unfortunate for the rest of us who might want a name that has been taken already, but I have known people that opened several accounts with different names for each one, only so that they would have multiple Yahoo Messenger names to use!!

    And even though they have all the other Yahoo benefits available to them such as the Yahoo Geocities website, or the Yahoo Mail, they choose to never use these benefits. It's totally up to you what you wish to use with each name that you open a Yahoo account name with.

    I, personally, have one Yahoo account name for personal things for me, and I check that Yahoo Mail every day, occasionally use the Yahoo 360, I upload my personal pictures and files in my Yahoo Photos and Briefcase, I use that name for my Yahoo Fantasy Nascar, a few Yahoo Groups that I am a member of, and I use that name for my Yahoo Messenger.

    Then, I also have a Yahoo Geocities website, and a Yahoo email with my website name that I check regularly (and I have my website email linked with my personal Yahoo email too!); I upload images that I use for my website in my Yahoo Photos under that account name, I use a Yahoo Toolbar while working on my website to make it easier to get to my files, but I do not use any of the other benefits for my website name besides that.

    Finally, I have one other name that is "my secret name", so if I log on and play a game of Euchre in Yahoo Games, no one knows it's me!! I use no other Yahoo benefits under that name. (BUT if I wanted to, and ran out of room in my Yahoo Briefcase, I COULD upload extra website images, or extra personal photos in that third account empty file space!)

    Was that too confusing?

    If so, please let me know. I'd be happy to try to explain it another way.

    I really cannot think of a benefit that I need on the computer that Yahoo does not offer! Have fun!

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