
I want to buy a blueberry dwarf hamster so iwanted to research on it but cant find a good website on just them

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i need to find a website on just blueberry dwarf hamsters not dwarf cambells russian hamster




  1. i am getting a blueberry today but i see some diffrece in the temperment of them and cambells russians. the blueberries are a little more relaxed and dont nip as much so yea... i like their color better and stuff.

  2. iv never heard of a blueberry hamster, but if you need to find things out, the best bet is wikipedia.

  3. That's because barely anyone calls them blueberry dwarf hamsters. Only pet stores because if you make the hamster sound more impressive they can sell it for more. Cinder, my old deceased blueberry came from a store for twenty dollars. If you go to you can probably find a local shelter with one. They are no different from other dwarves, just their color. Dwarves can't eat sugart things like fruit, but some veggies are fine. Dwarves are very territorial in their cages, but just scoop them out in a container and they become friendly and happy. Try petfinder, and I hope it helps.

  4. Here's a documentory:

    Blueberry hamsters are just cute names for dwarf hamsters. Dwarf hamsters are the most common type of hamster that were adopted as pet. They are cute, easy to care and most importantly they are funny. Their act and behavior will surely make you smile or even laugh. They move fast and playing at most of their time. One of my dwarf hamster always run in a small circle at full speed for a minute and then stop for a while for a break lying on it's back with all legs up and then coutinue running like mad scattering away the beddings.

    Usually, dwarf hamsters are 2.5-4" long and weigh 1-3 oz. on average. They have stubby little furry tails and fur on both the tops and bottoms of their feet. There are many different colors and patterns. They're sometimes called "Siberian dwarfs," but this is a common pet-store misnomer. They're also called things like "fancy dwarf hamsters," "blueberry hamsters," "blackberry hamsters" and other cutesy, inaccurate names.

    The Campbell’s breed by large commercial breeders have given the dwarfs a bad reputation as being Nippy biters. This is not so as most Campbell’s are friendly inquisitive little animals that like to be held. The biting trait is I believe inherited. And by carefully selecting only animals that don't bite I have breed this trait out of my Campbell’s. I do have several females that will nip if they have babies. But that is to be expected of any animal with babies.

    Campbells Dwarfs have been Breed in captivity Scene 1963 originally as Laboratory animals Possible references to dates as early as 1943 I am researching this. As A result there are now a number of Coat and Color Mutations available


    My view:

    I have a deceased Blueberry, and also wanted to tell you that most blueberrys are very terratorial and in there cage go near them and Thay'll bite you, but get them out of their cage and they'll be back to they're normal attitude. This won't be the case until about a week after you get it, because they won't be able to know it's where they're going to permedently stay until about a week of being there.

  5. I know a very good website but it's in French (like me...)

    This is google's translation, I hope it won't be chinese:

    You can click on all the links on the left, you'll see all the colours of Russian possible. But the names in French might not be the same as the ones in English.

  6. No such thing as a "blueberry" hamster. The ones I've seen labeled "blueberry" or "blackberry" hamsters in pet shops have all been different colored Campbell's dwarf hamsters.

    There are very few species of hamster on the pet market. Anything sold as a "blueberry dwarf" will be either a Campbell's, a Winter White, or a Campbell's/Winter White hybrid.

  7. Blueberry dwarf hamsters are Campbell Russian dwarf hamsters. They have the nickname "blueberry" due to the blue colour on their fur. There is nothing more different between them and regular campbells. Hence reading about regular campbells as good as reading about blueberries and thus sites don't dedicate space to information on blueberries specifically.They write all information under campbells.

    This site will give you a picture of a blueberry campbell -

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