
I want to buy a cricket kit which company should i go for???

by Guest60320  |  earlier

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guys i need to buy a cricket kit..

which company should i go for..

SS , SG, RNS, KG BDM, or Vampire BAS???

or any other company..




  1. I think you should buy BDM because I also play cricket and BDM kit is best.

  2. BDM & SG

  3. ss 309 viru

  4. In England the best cricket- specific brands are Gray Nicholls, Gunn & Moore (GM) , Slazenger, Duncan Fearnley, and Stuart Surridge (SS).

    Personally, I'd avoid any big global company like Nike, Puma or Adidas... none of who have any history or feel for cricket.

  5. i sujjest u to go for GM.........or ss

  6. well from a personal point of view, i have always thought Kookaburra to be the best in the business, however the make gear more used to the Australian/English/South African style of play and conditions, from what i'm seeing SS seem to have the best feel of it in the sub continent

    as someone else said, try to avoid the big multi national companies that have no real history or feel for cricket, such as Nike or Reebok

  7. Depends what country you're from and you're budget. I'm in Australia and I recommend Gray Nicholls for pads, gloves etc... Albion for the helmet and the bat depends on you're budget. I swing towards Gray Nicholls for that too, but Kookaburra, GN, Woodworm or Slazenger are all pretty good.

    PS. If you're not from Aus i don't know if you have all these brands.

  8. BDM one of the best indian bats. (my opinion)

    im not sure about their pads but

    their bats are one of the best.

  9. it dosen't really matter about which bat u go for -- it should feel comfortable when u hold it and it should not be to heavy or too light. the way to check if the bat is heavy or not is to hold it from the end of the handle and if u cant hold it for more than 10 sec, its not heavy. for me, i have a slazenger and it is fine and does the job. just try the  bat, look at thier size and see if its right for u. it dosen't really matter what types of pads or helmet u buy, they all do the same thing

  10. Vampire BAS

  11. i suggest SG,RBK.

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