
I want to buy a farm animal. Should I get an Alpaca Or Goat?

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Which one would make a better all around pet?

Alpaca or Goat?




  1. BOTH! xD

    An alpaca. Coz they're so cute. xD

    A goat, because they're also very cute. :D

    I reckon an alpaca. to be honest. :)

  2. IMO, a whether (nutered male goat) would be your best choice, if you want it for a pet. Make sure you understand what care they require and are willing to invest the time to care for them, which ever animal you decide to get.

  3. Both can be gud farm animals but i think goats are easy to handle coz alpacas known to be a cocky, wild and hard to train go for goat.

  4. Between those two, if you want a pet go with goats.  Alpacas tend to be skittish animals and rarely warm up to humans.  They also need to be sheared yearly.  Alpacas are strapped to a special board and laid on their sides for shearing.  If you want a came lid (both llamas and alpacas belong to the came lid family, along with the camel, guanaco, and vicuna) as a pet, a llama is a much better choice than an alpaca.  Llamas are much easier to train and while they tend to be aloof, they are not nearly as skittish as alpacas once they are properly trained.

    Goats will be as tame as you want them to be.  If you spend a lot of time with them they will be almost dog-like.  They make excellent pets.

    With either need more than one or it will be miserable.  Goats and alpacas are both herd animals and require the companionship of another herd animal to stay happy and mentally healthy.

  5. Woah get an alpaca! those things are extream!

  6. goat they require less care plus they are cute i have one thats a mix breed between a lamancha and a floppy eared goat =]

  7. well i heard goats r rly cute and nice when they r little and they will probebly grow up to make great pets

  8. I don't know anything about alpacas, but we have goats and they make good pets. If you handle them alot when they are little, they will be friendly and easy to handle. Some of them are so funny and curious like a kitten. We had a baby goat one time that was playing with a bird. The little bird would hop by the goat and the goat would rear up and play with the bird. The bird would fly off and then come back and they would play some more. Another baby goat we had got in the pasture with two younger bulls and was playing around head butting the one bull. The bull was probably about a year old (approx. 800 pounds) and was gently head butting the baby goat back. It was so cute. Anyway, they have really cute personalities. But if I were you, NEVER buy a billy goat. The nanny goats are what you want. (The girls). Billy goats are really nasty when they grow up and smell terrible.

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