
I want to buy a glock 18 for my own use?

by  |  earlier

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but they are restricted to only government sales. so what government job would i have to get to own one.




  1. you basically cant unless you steal one  

  2. Glock 18's are "post sample" guns which means they are made after 1986 and are only for sale to government AGENCIES and law enforcement AGENCIES. Class 3 dealers can own them but only to use as samples for demonstration purposes. Individual officers can not own them To become a class 3 dealer, you first have to get an FFL (federal firearms license) then, you pay a $500 SOT (special occupational tax) & you can then buy full autos. In order for a class 3 dealer to buy a "post sample" gun, he has to have a letter from a law enforcement or government AGENCY requesting a demonstration. Then he has to list what other agencys he plans to demonstrate the gun to. All that is sent to the BATFE & he waits for the approval. The SOT tax is $500 PER YEAR. Class 3 dealers don't pay the tax on each gun they buy unless it comes in on a form 4 transfer. If a class 3 decides he doesn't want to renew his SOT, he must dispose of ALL post sample guns BEFORE his SOT expires. The glock 18's you see on youtube are the ones that the class 3 dealers have to use as samples.

    I know this is correct because I am a class 3 dealer.

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