
I want to buy a kayak...?

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never done it before but I love white water rafting. How do I decide which one to get?




  1. then buy one, but btw its nothin like white water rafting!

    iv'e got one for sale if you want to buy it! they're expensive tho!

  2. You should join a club for many reasons:

    -They will show you the basics: Paddling is harder than it look, though you can have a natural talent for it but there's still a lot of ethiquet needed for on the river

    -The'lll give you basic gear. You can add to it with your own personal stuff over time. It can be expensive.

    -You can use their boas. You won't know what boat you want for a while. You may want your own personal playboat or creaker... or even a boat that will allow river running and play.

    - You'll get the opportunity to travel and run big water.

    Alternatively you can go off and pick up any boat you fancy, paddle on flat water and have a rubbish time.

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