
I want to buy a studio in berlin where can i find any? and what the range of prices?

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Studio = flat




  1. When you say "studio", do you mean a place to work at (as an artist) or a place to live in?

    Studio flat is simply a "Einzimmerwohnung" (one room flat, I know, doesn't sound very appealing...). If you want it to be spacious, etc., think of screening your search for the one-room flat with "loft", "maisonnette" and naturally to look from a certain sq. meters up.

    I saw here ( prices that range between 10,000 EUR and 399,000 EUR, but as I said, I didn't do what you should do for yourself: deciding what is the size of the flat you're looking for; which districts (the 10,000 one is in Neukoelln, the 399,000 is on Linienstrasse in Mitte. The first is 30 sq. m, the latter 132 sq. m and is a maisonette, long live the small difference)

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