
I want to buy a vizio but not sure what kind?

by Guest56176  |  earlier

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i would like to get a vizio. I few of my friends have them and they work great. I would like to get an lcd between 32 and 42 inches. Also not sure if i should get a 720 or 1080? i do not have HD tv and probably won't get it for sometime(in college at the moment). Also is the contrast ratio a huge deal? i noticed that its somewhat low compared to other brands?




  1. go for 42 1080.

    the bigger tv, higher resolution, the better.

    higher contrast ratio tvs give u more blast of pic brightness, clarity,realism, and so on. but theyre more expensive

    good luck

  2. 1. In this size, you don't need a 1080p! You won't notice the difference until you get a screen of at least 50", unless you sit with your nose inches form the screen AND have a Blu-ray player and a 1080p BRD. Contrast is important, but hard to measure/compare, as there are no standard measurements between mfgs.

    Now, stay away from Vizio and all the other no-name third tier, disposable, junk TVs, like Element, Insignia, Dynex, Ilo, Maxent, and Polaroid. Read this -

    The top rated LCDs 32" and up, for BOTH performance and reliability, are Sony and Panasonic (up to 37"). A little bit less expensive, but very good quality is Toshiba followed, perhaps, by Sharp and Samsung. If you can't afford one of these, wait until you save up a bit more or go down in screen size.

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