
I want to buy an Ipod Classic because the touch doesnt have nearly enough space?

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but I can't decide whether I should get the 80GB or the 160GB...I would hate to run out of room and I think I want the 160GB but I am not convinced to pay 350. Any Advice?




  1. if you are concerd about room definitly get the 160gb. but 80gb is still alot of space.  

  2. You decide,this tells everything you need to know

  3. i dont see why youll need so much space...its not like your gonna listen to all that music

  4. What do you plan on putting on there!!! 80 GB is huge most computers that are not brand new only have that much. 80 Gb is 80 billion bytes and a single song thatt is 4 minuets long is only 3 million bytes you can put 20,000 songs on a 80 GB. Unlike a computer an Ipod does not go slower as you fill up the memory. It will continue to run just as fast as the memory fills up. Don't waste your money on unused space.

  5. My advice is to go with a Sansa brand mp3 player. They have replaceable batteries, unlike IPods which you need to send in to the manufacturer to replace the battery.  Plus, they are less exensive by more than $100 and are just as easy to use.

  6. How much room does your Hard Drive hold on your computer at home? 160 is a ton! and if you dont have a ton of movies on your computer that you want to put on your ipod then I would recommend the 80 GB. Plus how often do you need millions of songs and hundreds of hours of movies or tv shows at once? You can always watch stuff and take stuff off. It is really easy, just one or two clicks. Plus with the new programs coming out for the ipod touch and iphone, you will be able to stream music from your home computer to your touch or iphone without taking any memory off.  Meaning I can have 16 GB of movies on my phone and access my 40 GB song lirbrary on my home computer. It pretty much is amazing!

  7. ilike the touch

    at first i thought big deal but i bought it yesterday and it's sick

    like i have 8 movies and 400 songs on an eight gig and i only have three quarters or not even of my space taken up

    so the 32 touch would be insanely a lot of space

    but if you want the classic still i'd get the 80

    because if you have 160 gb of music on your hard drive your computer will run SO slow

    at least that's how it used to be on mine

    and touch has internet capabilities in a lot of places

  8. Get the 80 GB thats enough room, I mean actually enough room.  40,000 songs and 200 hours of video.  Now I have the nano that holds 2,000 songs thats alot of compared.  I'm not that hugely big on music so I really don't need 1 that big.

  9. I own one of these. Believe me, even 80gb is going to be more than enough space for like 70% of people. Now if you've already got 40+ gb of music, you may want to lightly consider a 160gb. But that's also depending on how often you get new music. For example, if you get another 10gb every year, then don't worry. IPod batteries last about 2 years before they completely lose their ability to hold a charge, and if yours lasted longer it still wouldn't matter. By the time you get a new one, the bigger ones will cost less.

    But really, 80gb should be more than enough. I cram mine full of Apple Lossless encoded music (basically that means that each song takes up around 20mb, which is huge) and several high res movies (about 1gb each) and it's still got plenty of space left.

    Also, keep in mind that all estimates on how many songs or video it can hold are ALWAYS WRONG. Apple tells you that you can fit 20000 songs on it or something like that, but all estimates are worthless. That's because of a few things, mainly song length and the bit rate it's encoded at. Maybe you can fit 20000 4 minute songs encoded at 128kbps, but that means you could only fit 10000 2 minute songs encoded at 256. Bit rate is basically audio quality. The higher it is, the better audio quality you get (but you won't notice a difference in audio quality if you use the awful horrible really terribly bad headphones that come with the iPod), but higher bit rates take up more room. And again, length. The default bit rate is 128kbps and it sounds bad. If you leave it like that, you still  might not be able to fit a lot if you have a lot of long songs. There are a lot of deciding factors like this with video as well, so any estimate someone gives you is pretty much worthless.

    Edit: I see you want to put a lot of movies. I can tell you from owning one that has some movies on it that you really don't need to have that many on it at at a time. You'll almost never run into an opportunity to watch them.

  10. i bought the 8gb touch and even with everything in my itunes on it plus several pictures and applications i have a bunch of empty space, i mean who really needs that much space plus you get wifi, a larger screen and awsome games, buy the 32gb touch if you have $500, thats plenty

  11. Look at the size of your current library now. How big is it? Also, look at how fast you expect your library to grow. If you're close to 80GB and expect it to grow, get the 160GB. This will allow you to fit everything and still have some extra space. That's always good. However, if you don't have that much music and don't expect it to grow past 80GB within the next two years, then get the 80GB.

    (By the way, the average person replaces their iPod every two years)

    I'd wait until late September to buy it, though. Apple has been reliably updating their iPods every September for the past few years. They may be updating the Classic this year.

  12. the choice is yours but i would go for the bigger one because it may be more money but if you run out of s[pace you have to buy another one so after a while it gets very annoying

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