
I want to buy an exotic animal but I can't seem to find out what...?

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I want something I can play with maybe, have fun in generally and not get hurt very much. I would buy a dog but my mum has something with them... I was thinking of a parrot or a monkey (but I can't find a store with monkeys). I don't want cats, hamsters and stuff like that are to not funny.




  1. dont get a monkey, if you dont want to get hurt, and particularly if you are not able to devote 16 hours a day to it

    these are pets for STAY AT HOME PARENTS.. Not for kids...

    technically any animal other than cats dogs and livestock are exotic pets...

    I have these, they are WAY exotic!

  2. you could try looking on the internet for monkeys  know someone who is getting a monkey and they are adopting it from someone

    please answer my question

  3. personally, i thnk that your search for an "exoctic" animal should stop. monkeys are not ment to be "pets" and kept inside all day by themselves. and monkeys have nevr been domesticated so even the nicest monkey might go crazy on your *** one day. you should chooose an animal that would fit your lifestyle like your work schedual, living space and so on. i personally, love sheep. if you are zoned and can give the time they need to them, get one. i have one sheep in particular that i have raised from when she was around 5 month old and now she is around 3. i halter broke her so w could go on walks togehter so she could have some stimulation in her life. with all the time i spend with her, i no longer need a halter when i take her out because we have become so close (and sheep naturally follow the leader). she is a great companion and is WAAAYYYY better than any dog or cat. you just have to keep up on trimming the hoofs and shearing at least once a year and proper nutrition. sheep are great animals and are just the perfect size, not to small and not too big.

  4. You can find links to monkey sellers here:

    And to parrot sellers here:

    But quite honestly, think why you really want a pet. You write that you don't want "cats, hamsters and stuff like that are to not funny." Taking care of a pet is a lot of work, and monkeys and parrots are also not always "funny" (and on the other hand, cats or hamsters can be funny, check "funny cats" on a search engine:

    Most of the relationships with any pet, including monkeys or parrots, is emotional attachment and not some funny tricks; most of the time it is hard work cleaning after them, feeding the, training them (monkeys are not easy to train!). And pets are in a way like babies - you can't just abandon them because you have gotten a monkey who is not "funny" or a parrott who will not repeat what you say.

  5. Forget 'exotic' animals as pets,  especially chimps.  Chimps think they are human and, consequently, in time, turn no good, are messy, mean and totally intractable.

    It's too bad your Mom has an issue with dogs because they are the absolute best pets.  They are loyal, trainable, never complain and can be more fun than a zoofull of so-called 'exotics'.

  6. you should get a hedghog or a monkey because  they are exotic

  7. you have to have a permute to have exotic animals and if you don't you will go to cart for animala buse and you can go to jail

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