
I want to buy my nephew a bottle of rare Irish Whiskey for his 21st birthday, my problem is this, hes 2 !?

by  |  earlier

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If I buy a bottle of 20 year old whiskey now, will it still be good in 20 years (ie like wine does it get better with age).

I think it is a really original idea for a present




  1. well if you buy it now it will keep so when he is 21 it will knock his socks off as it will be stronger! but it will be a great 21st party LOL!

  2. Great idea indeed - once I turned 21, I  got a bottle bought by my Dad when I was born. It left me speechless - that's how thoughtful your idea of whiskey is! :) Have you given any thought to which whiskey to choose? There's some good stuff out there ;)

  3. Spirits such as whiskey do absolutely nothing after bottling.  Why not buy a 21-year-old (ie 21 yrs in barrel) bottled in 2006, year of birth?

  4. Have a look at bushmills...they have some specialist brews currently being brewed.

    And they have a 21 year old I guess it do'es improve with age up to a certain point.

  5. No I wouldn't buy a 2 year old that.. it promates drinking... buy him a toy. he will have years of fun with that.

    Not to mention that his parents will probab le drink the Whisky or give it away for holiday to someone else

  6. You made me smile this morning. I am not a drinker, but I do think that it is a novel idea.

    If the bottle comes in a box you have 2 gifts for the price of one.  Babies that age have a great time tearing paper off of boxes.

    Good luck.

  7. Nice idea but maybe just a little to early to be thinking about that isn't it?

  8. couldnt you just wait and buy it when he is 21?

  9. yes. speak to these people, I got my friend a 34 year old malt for a wedding present from them, they were telling me about recent ones to lay down too.

    highly recommend their service, they have shops in London and Edinburgh as well as a website and mail order.

    As somebody above said, they do nothing in the bottle, the 34 year old I bought had been sat in a barrel until a year ago, that's where the interest and character/flavour comes from, so either buy him one "in the cask", like a certificate that he can swap for the bottle when it's actually bottled in 21 years time, or you may have to buy him one for his 21st that was distilled now if you see what I mean.

  10. Is he IRISH??

  11. Yeah it should be fine. I know people  who've bought one with their birth date on as the date it was made - but you mug struggle to get one casue they're generally on sale in the month after they're born. But it's a nice idea.

  12. You can just wait until he is 21 to buy an aged whiskey. I worked at a liquor/beer store for a couple years, and we sold whiskey that was aged 16..18..20 years.

  13. as im aware whiskey gets better with age and in some ways stronger, so his gonna end up with a roughly 40 year old whiskey oh him a hangover cure pack aswell for it lol!!

    but no seriously, the whiskey will be fine as far as im aware, its a very nice idea, very sweet and thoughtful :)

    p.s to the people that gave the thumbs down to the answerer that said about the packaging and unwrapping, erm well 1) u obviously take it away after his unwrapped it, and 2) i doubt a 2 year olds gonna be able to work out how to open the box and then the drink anyway. but u maybe at risk of the child tearing the box and if u want the box to come with the whiskey on his 21st i wouldnt recommend it.

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