
I want to buy some souveniers at the public market. What should I buy?

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And how many Skittles do you think it will cost?




  1. I think I'm going to get all of my nieces and nephews those little monkeys for christmas. Those things are cute!

  2. Just get some postcards and write "Get your a*s to Quang Binh!"

    One handful of Skittles = 10 dolla

  3. Get me a giant smoked ham please!!!

    18763209654 skittles!!!

  4. Bring home some Super Crabs ..... They should take your Good Bar as Payment in Full

  5. I'm sure you can find some poorly poured ceramics for 4 skittles a piece.

  6. It is 7 Skittles for a T-shirt that says "My pimp went to Quang Binh and all I got was this crappy T-Shirt"

    It is 13 Skittles for a T-shirt that says "I survived the Quang Bang '08"

    It is 22 Skittles if you would like a wallet made from the hide of an albino water buffalo.

  7. Guido would like to point out that you spelled 'pubic' wrong.

  8. Pick me up one of those pantsless Ted Kennedy bobble-heads is no issue.

  9. Hand sanitizer and drinking water

    They don't take skittles, they take M&Ms.

  10. A snow globe of the Quang Bang Distillery: 3 Dong or 97 Skitter

    Pack of 12 scenic postcard featuring best of Quang Binh: 1 fish head, or 38 Skitter

    Quang Bang shot glass, including vomit bag and handheld torch: 40 Dong or 785 Skitter

    Knowing your wallet was just lifted by a 6 year old: Priceless.

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