
I want to buy something different for my friends birthday

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I always get her make up/smellies or clothes. It's so boring, I want to get her something a bit different this year. Any suggestions for presents under £50 for a gal who has everything already?





  1. make a scrapbook with lots of pix from when you first started being friends to now. maybe even some baby pix ^^

  2. check out

  3. i have the same problem...but what i would do is get her a popcorn bucket filled with movie tickets or a dvd with some candy such as milk duds, skittles, licorish,etc. or u can get her a card that you'll take her to a movie and lunch

  4. Get her a giftcard you can't go wrong with them. Then she can pick out what she really wants.  

  5. haha.... get her a pet rock with tags

  6. Yes I have plenty of suggestions for your friends birthday.  How about something original and unique.  Check out my website there are a lot of ideas and items on there that start at $10 and up.

  7. a gift voucher or pet fish.

  8. For your friend who has everything, maybe you can give someone else something on her behalf.

    Think about what kind of issues or things are close to your friend's heart. If your friend is interested in world hunger, peace issues or preventing a particular disease, that's where your focus should go (if you aren't sure, just ask her which cause is important to her? Given a choice what problem would she fix in the world) THEN...       Find a charity or organization that closely fits with your friends interests and one you think they would like to support and fill out a donation form.

    Just remember to mention that your donating it on behalf of a friend and include their name and address so that the organization can send him/her a card informing them of your donation. Hope this helps.

  9. A picture of you both

    A large poster of something she loves

    A custom ________ (anything)

  10. number one idea is make her a necklace if its made by you she WONT have it.

    or howa bout goint to the scpa aor something and getting her a kitten? i got a kitten for my birthday her name's abby

    hope i could help


  11. If you are willing to spend a little more you could get her jewelery. Some necklace, gold bracelet, or ring. Go to a Department store and check out their jewelry. they have fun, young and modern things, that won't look like it's your mom's or grandmom's jewelery. My best friend got me a daisy necklace with a tiny diamond in the middle, when I turned 18. I loved it, and it was nice to see that my best friend didn't spend 50 bucks on little gifts that aren't so sentimental. I felt so special that she thought more of me to get something special.

  12. If she is a christian, get her a bible.

    Yedga Sikod

  13. Adopt her fave. animal at the local zoo or wildlife park.

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