
I want to buy something really weird... but WHAT and WHERE?!?

by  |  earlier

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I've found myself with a little extra cash in my pay this week and I want to buy something a little "different" but I don't exactly know what. I mean, I want something a little morbid maybe, perhaps a bit dark, definately WEIRD. Maybe antique, maybe new. Maybe kitsch, maybe gothic. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to buy, or where I can buy it? I'm in australia so any website suggestion would have to a site that ships here.

Come on people, I'm counting on you to all think as WEIRD and 'out-there' as you possibly can!




  1. A body bag would be pretty morbid and make sure to include a toe tag in with it.

  2. Hmmm....go on Ebay and look up old antiquish Morgue equipment, or see if you can get your hands on old forensics pictures in black and white.

  3. Buying a donation slip by helping the starving kids of the world.

  4. you can buy books

  5. Get yourself a casket.

  6. Buy me a bottle of white rum and send it too me.

  7. you should buy a ticket come to the states come over and buy my mask.really cool.made out of bones

  8. You could always check out a Spencer's store or Hot Topic.

  9. Hey - how about a real horseshoe?

    or a bandaid made out of fur

    or a whole case of empty paper towel rolls?

    or a mango seed?

    maybe a satelite, all your own?

    or a polka dotted party hat.

    Good luck in the massive major decision of yours.

    and please, for next time, find better things to worry about.


  10. try a s*x store

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