
I want to change my six month old baby's name how do I go about doing this?

by  |  earlier

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All I want to do is switch his first name to his middle name, so his name will be ayden paul instead of paul ayden, the reason I am doing this is b.c he is always confused with his grandpa or dad but he has a different middle name then both of them, I want everyone to call him ayden and I tell everyone to call him by his middle name of course everyone is a smart *** and says that is not his first name, even at the doctors office and eventully school. How much does it cost to change his name? I wish I would have just named him Ayden when he was born but its too late now.




  1. It's really not a big deal.

    My brother's name is John Carson and everyone calls him Carson without any problems. It won't be like that at a regular doctor or if you stay in a school district. Just tell them that you call him Ayden, most likely they'll write it down for future reference.

    When he transfers from teacher to teacher at school he will be listed on the roster as Ayden Lastname, or Paul Ayden Lastname, prefers Ayden.

    But you can change it before he's one for free.

  2. hello I've always been called by my middle name.  I was named after my mom so instead of everyone being confused by calling us both Cindi everyone started calling me by my middle name Michelle and I've never had any problems at school with teachers using my middle name.  

  3. If you're sure you want to change the baby's name, contact your local probate court and they will give you instructions on how to proceed.  Time limits and charges vary from state to state.  If it's simply a matter of getting everyone to call your baby by his middle name, you can always use the first initial and then use the full middle name.  My boss' husband does this and i always thought his name was Brad, but it's really R. Bradford.   I still don't know what his "real" first name is.  Obviously there will still be members of the family that won't follow your wishes....

  4. you can do it for free before he turns one year. i think you have to go to the hall of records at the hospital or the social security office but it is free before a year i believe

  5. Most states don't charge if your child is still under 1. You'll have to go to your local courthouse and they can help you with fees and the process of doing so. If they do charge it's around $400.

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