
I want to change the earth, I really do care about global warming, hurricanes, poverty etc. How can I help?

by  |  earlier

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I want to something about all of our earths problems: hurricanes, poverty, earthquakes, racisim, global warming, abortions, war, tornadoes, and so on. Im only 12 but I want to make a difference in the world I want to change it somehow.




  1. change your light bulbs,

    use less water

    recycle and DONT use plastic bags as a bin- outline your bin with newspaper(as plastic is like a 1000yr time bomb in the ground)

    don't leave your heater on, only on low(just wear warm clothes!)

    turn off all your applicances you arent using! eg microwaves and DVD players etc

    everything you do i believe contributes to the world. everything. so start changing your behaviours first and then you will be awesome ;)

  2. live by example

  3. be kind everyday to another person be a friend go to church become involved in ur local community u r so young try and enjoy ur life evryone wants to make the world a better place and if we all do a little we weill gain a lot please try not to worry just be the best person u can be u cant help the whole world but u can make little differnces that do a lot God bless u hunni x

  4. ha ha like a sheep to slaughter all you people.

  5. Recycle. Your children's lives may depend on it. Yours too.

  6. If you want to change the world, start on your knees in prayer.

  7. You have got to be the cutest child. I love the fact that you want to get involved. There are so many things that you can do to help. In doing any number of these things you will enjoy your life. You can start by raising awarness of recycling in your community and amongst your friends. Start a recycling pick up maybe get a group of friends and parents to go from home to home asking for recyclables, aluminum cans, news papers, card board, and glass if your town accepts glass. then have someone with a truck help you and your group pick it up and take it to the nearest recycle center.

    Use the money that you get from that to maybe plant a tree in your town . You can also get your green group to adopt a highway with adult supervision ofcourse. Pick up the garbage on that stretch of highway. maybe get donations from local businesses to buy some flowers or plants so you can plant around maybe a historical landmark. Any one of these things might make you feel like you have helped. As far as the other things,all you can do is pray for things to change.  I am proud of you and am excited to know that the future of our planet lies in the hands of you children with promise.

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